I’d like to weigh in on Resourceful Combatant (and even Shooter) being “questionable” or not as fast at reducing CD vs Swift Slaying.
Under most circumstances, SS outperforms RC at CDR, but these circumstances all revolve around weapons with high cleave. In my testing, I’ve noticed a higher CDR with RC when using single target weapons, very specifically weapons with naturally high Crit. Daggers and 1H axes (not Elf axe, since it doesn’t get a natural crit bonus for some reason).
Stacking on the crit% (coupled with 2x +20% Crit power) single target weapons allowed me to consistently one shot Elites when it crits to the face, 2-shot (body or head) if they don’t fall the first time. Daggers and Axes crit very often I’ve noticed.
Dual daggers on Kerrilian are naturally fast as it is, I do NOT need more attack speed. I stacked on Crit% and Crit Power, RC as trait, Ult dash forward past a horde or patrol, turn around and mow them down one by one using Vanish/Crit dmg boost talents. My ult will be at about 10-15 seconds on CD when everything is dead. My first backstab will guarantee a 4 second reduction on the countdown, then you subtract 4 MORE seconds every 4 seconds from there assuming 95% crit ratio, which happens very often.
Using 1H axe on Bounty Hunter, ok the axe is a bit slow, which effects my ability to live. I had to compensate with Attack Speed x2 (weapon and ring), which made a difference. The axe crits a lot, like the daggers and it is anti-armor, and basically kills anything in a head shot, crit or not. Push attack is an overhead head chop, very satisfying.
If I used SS on it, I end up taking chip dmg due to the lack of cleave, my axe gets stuck on one or two targets then the rest of the crowd pokes me. So I have to play the dance game, LLR > Dodge repeat. SS is wasted during the block and dodge, so RC shines here since it basically procs every 4-5 seconds.
With his Ult talent set for 40% CDR on headshots, Ulting with my axe means 100% CDR (Blessed shot or not) on head shots, yes just like Kerrillian’s Ult talent! If RC didn’t proc, my CD is 10 seconds on a headshot. I find myself spamming it during crowds and mow down a whole column of garbage or elites.
So if you have good aim, RC is worth it. Don’t take my word for it, I’m not making a video to prove this, but I’ve timed it on dummies in the keep and in general play. Try it out yourselves to see if it fits your style. You can math on paper all day and conduct experiments, but it proves nothing in reality if you are not the correct end-user.
Everyone harps on how good the spear or halberd is, but I just suck at it no matter what. That doesn’t mean it’s bad or good, it’s just not for me.