Survivalist Aura [Ammo Regen on Kill]

Dropping veteran ammo regen from 1.5-3% (depending on weapon), then dropping Vet ammo from 40% to 25%. (Patch 13). After that ultimate suffering of veteran class and multiple promises to fix veteran, sadly reaching a state of only one viable loadout (VoC).

rather than fixing the still longest and most loosely integrated skill tree, decide to nerf only good passive/aura.

This pretty much shows that the ammo economy was already in bad state , and with this nerf its pretty much killing the veteran class for the the last time.

Specialist/Elite Killed = 1% Ammo regenSpecialist/Elite Killed = 1% Ammo regen (Every 5 Seconds)

Why is it this bad:
Specialists and elites spawns in packs/waves, the faster you kill them the better, now the faster you kill them , the less ammo you get, from every shotgunners wave you get 1% of your whole ammo, unlike before you get 7-8%.
same goes for mutie wave, snipers and so on.

Nearly all veterans/sharpshooters choose the same passive, although 1% is way too low, but no matter what no one will choose other options, ammo is way to low ingame, its not vermintide its darktide, stop forcing everyone going into melee 24/7.

Compared to other classes:
Zealot is able to ski through a whole wave of shotgunners and gunners easily, which is great class design , as its performing its melee role as a frontline, yet veteran is getting hampered with every update , in performing of ranged firesupport.


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