Surge Staff modifier description is incorrect


The primary action (little balls) is not a melee attack.
The secondary action (lightning) is not a melee attack.
The weapon special is a melee attack, but does not have a primary or secondary action.

Test show that the crit chance bonus is applied to the primary and secondary action.
The word “melee” is wrongly placed in the description.

Are you sure about that? Last time I checked Surge did have a ~20% crit chance.

I did more testing. It seems like it was incredibly bad crit rng in my earlier tests.
Staffs with 80% crit bonus and:
no blessing
warp flurry
warp nexus
warp flurry and warp nexus

all show the expected crit rate for the assumption that the “primary/secondary action melee critical chance” really is additive “primary/secondary action critical chance”.

I edited the OP and moved it to the bug report section, for the description falsely containing the word “melee”.

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