If there’s a gunner that’s shooting you and it breaks your toughness, you can’t do anything.
You can’t sprint.
You can’t dodge.
You can’t slide.
You can’t shoot.
You can’t even swing your damn melee.
But, if I’m an ogryn with that twin barrel gun that blasts high caliber rounds at a gunner, what happens?
He just casually runs away and repositions.
No stagger.
No stun.
It just makes them move to a different spot, which means that your ranged guys have an even harder time killing them.
See, if they got staggered or stunned, your veteran could use that as an opportunity to get a headshot and kill him quickly.
But in this case, instead of having the gunner be standing still and shooting (Easy headshot), it makes them duck down and run away, which makes killing them 10x more difficult.
Likewise, if there’s a large group of ranged guys, it makes them all spread apart! That’s extremely bad. Like wow, that actively gimps your team if you do that. Before, it was an opportunity for a grenade and/or spread shots (e.g. Ripper), but now they’ve all run away and hidden themselves behind cover and in weird corners, making it infinitely worse for your team.
Why is suppression against enemies so horrendously terrible? You might as well just kill the enemies straight up rather than making them scatter.