Suggestions for additional content for Dark Tide

I dunno about some of these but you’re definitely wrong about over half of these. I don’t think any of the playable personalities have a VT2 voice actor. They do voice some other characters (e.g. Bardins VA voices Melk, Saltzpyres VA voices one of the traitor captains) but I’m not sure your list is accurate.


They’re not representative.

That’s when the game actually starts.


Bold of you to assume everyone wants to play all 4 classes.
I will never play or even consider playing as an ogryn.
And my friend doesnt even want to touch the veteran (because their aim is god awful (his words, not mine)

If you only want to play 3/4th of the game, that’s up to you.

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Depends on what you’re trying to represent. The game had a peak concurrent playerbase of 100k players and there’s less than 8k playing every day now. That 8% figure might very well be representative of most people still playing (although it’s not that simple, you’d have to know the actual sales numbers and unique logins to make a definitive calculation, but I still think that the numbers here are less straight forward than they seem at first glance)

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If you want to force yourself to play content you dont like for the sake of 100%-ing a game, thats up to you.
Personally i value my time. Especially my free time which is very limited.

I don’t play Call of Duty but i’d like to not be stuck using god awful iron sights on my Autoguns. I’m suggesting weapon mods since thats an easy way to give players new content even if it just gives minor changes like a 5% reload speed bonus. I really don’t care, but asking only for Gun sights felt a little short to suggest

They really don’t care about player feedback if that the responses they give. If there is a technical issue, sure. but to just be rude and imply the person making the request is a CoD player and wants excessive modifications to Min-Max stuff is pretty shitty.

At the end of the day, from what I have seen in other forums, The only thing keeping Fatshark from making this game the best 40K game ever, is Fatshark itself. Which is wild seeing as VT they listened to a lot of feedback for better or worse.

Regardless we will see what happens but I stand by what we said among other players above, when players run out of things to do, they leave for other games and it would be a shame to see that happen to Darktide because 40K games are a lot more popular than WH Fantasy games, which is why VT was so popular.

Talk about sticking to ancient history… Get over it already.


Not even the same devs so I don’t know how you’re comparing this

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Are you talking about this?

It wasnt a comparison? It was simply an example at the end of my post to drive the point home what im talking about.
That effort taken is justifiable as long as profit is made. That it doesnt matter how big the dlc is, it matters how much money it will make for the company.

I’d love for them to prove me wrong, the ball is in their court on this part.

New lights out only map like old timey corridor shooters where there’s an entity lurking above which insta grabs you and kills you for good (no rescue/revive) if you break the coherency. The dead get removed from the game, a bot replaces them, until some other player joins the game.

You know you’re in coherency because you carry a special light that changes color depending on the number of people in coherency and needs relighting fuel time to time.

Your shots can’t harm it in the dark, weapon lights have no effect. OP stuff like Zealot Chorus/Stealth can’t protect you, you can’t outrun it.

If all 3 people die, there’s no progressing as the light is too dim to keep the entity away. Even with Zealot loner aura.

The final boss of that stage is the entity in an arena. Your job is to use the excess fuel you grabbed to light enough candles and torches around the arena to drive it away.

I’m mainly asking this as a zealot who hates knife & shroud idiots who agro everything and make them your problem, while waiting in the elevator.

for the record I agree with hating players seemingly wanting to Speed Run every mission for some reason and then often trashing the players who are checking corners for loot, heretic idols, etc. however i think that game mode is very far out of the scope of a Tide game. That sounds more like a Tactical realism game in the 40K universe.

Rogue Doctor


God Complex - They are the mad doctor, the Doctor Frankenstein, the doctor Josef Mengele who does alot of human experimentation in his work. Their dialogue lines should be that of a mad man who thinks they can perfect humanity and is unsettling to some of the characters.

Messiah Complex - They are the arrogant and prideful doctor who thinks the fellow characters should feel blessed by the emperor just to be in their presence. They may even feel they are the second coming of the emperor themselves or are the manifestation of his divine will, even more so than the Zealot.

Saviour Complex - They are obsessed with saving as many of the people as they can. They take every loss personally and even have great empathy for the infested people who have been driven mad by the pox plague. They should have a stronger relationship with Veteran players as they may have even served together.


Surgeons Grace - Allies have +10% heavy attack speed

Deft Hands - Allies have 25% faster weapon swap

Threat Sanction - Allies have +15% Critical Chance vs Elites, Specialists and Monstrosities.


Tox-7 Gas Grenade - Throws a grenade that creates a cloud of toxic gas damaging enemies. (By comparison to the Zealots firebomb, it covers a larger area, has verticality to it and deals less damage per second.) Charges x3

Hallucinogenic Grenade - Throws a grenade that covers an area in gas causing enemies inside to attack randomly, perhaps even hitting other enemies. Does not affect specialists(As that would be very complicated.) Charges x3

Radiation Grenade - Throws a grenade that creates a cloud that reduces enemy toughness(Making them take more damage), reduces their armour stagger resistance and reduces their hit mass while inside it. Charges x3


Adrenaline Rush - Pushes back enemies and gives allies increased attack speed and reload speed for a short duration. Can also be buffed to suppress enemies nearby that are not knocked down and weaken enemies affected for a time.

Paroxysm - Drops a gas bomb that knocks enemies back, weakens them and slows them while in its radius. Can be upgraded to increase the area of effect and slowing effect.

Feel No Pain - Allies gain a brief invulnerability and recharge their abilities much faster for each kill made while under its effect. Can be upgraded in its duration and Suppress enemies nearby.


Experimental Stims - The player generates a random stim every 60s and has their stim capacity increased to 3. Selecting the stim again will cycle between the stims the player has. Can be upgraded to allow the player to apply stims at a distance via a stim gun. Grant both the doctor and the target the stims effects, increase the stims abilities and even when stimming self, apply a lesser effect to allies.

Prophetic Saviour - When the player revives an ally, they cannot be interrupted and have 25% damage resistance. When full reviving an ally, “Strange Things Happen” at random such as:

  • Push back nearby enemies
  • Suppress nearby enemies
  • Deploys a random grenade type at the doctors feet
  • Heals all allies for 2% of their max health, including through corruption
  • Restores allied Blitz charges
  • Restores allied Abilities
  • etc.

(Inspired by B4B’s Prophet Dan who had a cool gimmick but was underwhelming on the grounds that he did literally nothing outside of revive downed allies.)

Angel of Death - Bonus damage and critical chance against elites, specialists and Monstrosities. Killing enough of these enemies grants you a free use of your ability for 10s.

Unique Weapons:

Envenomed Blade -

Needle Pistol -

Tech Adept


The Inventor - The always mumbling to itself and losing conversations. Think of a very autistic person who constantly is thinking of how to fix, improve and create new machines every second. They do not socialize well with people and instead prefer the company of machines.

The Master - This person is very much like Hadron, very dismissive and blunt. This person has little humanity to them even before they became a servant of Mars.The Master is very dismissive of allied injuries, emotions and always criticizing their actions and failings.

The Explorer - Thai person is like the eternally thrilled person to see the machines of Tertium and wants to save them all. Think of a person who loves animals and would save them all but its machines instead.


Relentless Advance - Allies have less movement penalty when aiming down sights of their weapons and flinch less when their toughness breaks.

Blessed Weaponry - Weapon handling is improved. Ranged weapons reload, ADS/Brace and Swap faster. Melee weapons have faster activations, swap faster and less stamina reduction when blocking.

Ammo Mule - You have 50% increased ammunition capacity and when picking up ammunition, allies gain 10% of that ammunition.


Cluster Mines - Thrown device that arms after 2s and remains for 30s. When an enemy enters its radius, it scatters small bomblets and detonates them. Charges x2

Razorwire Autospool - Throws device that scatters into razorwire horizontally. Slows enemies and damages them based on their hit mass. Durability decays as enemies pass through it based on their hit mass. Charges x2.

Meltabomb - Thrown device that can be detonated by re-activation of the Blitz. Deals heavy damage and knockback to all enemies, and allies, in its radius. Charges x2.


Summon Tarantula - Summons a Tarantula turret armed with a single Multi-Laser that will fire upon enemies in its range for 30s or until it is destroyed. Will prioritize enemies marked by the player if possible.

According to this size comparison they are about the size of an Orgyn, which is in the game. File:Hevboltertarantula.jpg - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum

Summon Servo Gun Skulls- Summons a pair of Servo Skulls with guns that will follow the player around shooting at enemies for 30s. Will prioritize enemies marked by the player if possible.

Summon Servitors - Summons a trio of Servitors armed with Servo-arms that will go about attacking enemies for 30s in melee until their duration expires or they die. Will prioritize enemies marked by the player if possible.


Dark Age Technology - Ammo boxes placed by the player have double the uses and empower the ranged weapon of players who interact with it for 10s. Medipacks placed by the player have double the duration and increase allied melee attack speed while in its radius.

Archeotech Ammunitions - Ranged weapons used by the player do not have ammunition. Instead they build heat in the same way as the Psyker builds peril. Killing Elite and specialist enemies reduces heat build up by 10%.

Omnissiah’s Will - Killing specialist and Elites enemies builds up Omnissiah’s Will. When enough enemies have been killed you get a free use of your ability. You cannot have more than one ability active at a time.

Unique Weapons:

Meltagun -

Volkite Charger -

See my above point about the Tech Adept.

The Veteran is not only the Ranged specialist, I have mine as a CCB build using shotguns and braced guns. I use Voice of Command as my ability

To restructure my ideas for new enemies.:

Dreg Icon Bearer - Buffs allied Dregs in the area in three stages, each making them stronger and harder to kill as it remains alive.

Scab Vox Caller - Keeps calling Scabs into the area until killed. Will flee after a successful call and then reappear after a time to call in more.

Plague Toad - Hides in plain sight and ambushes players who get too close, pinning them. this would help deter players from running off on their own all the time or trying to “Speed Run” missions at the cost of any loot and pickups sometimes.

Buff the Beast of Nurgle - Right now it is a pushover compared to the Chaos Spawn and Plague Ogryn. needs more vomit attacks, more damage from its slim trail/vomit and perhaps a tongue attacks to pull a player to it.

Capture Squad/Mutant Rabble - Right now we have a unique hound pack, so why not a squad of Capture Troopers and Mutants?

Scab Arkan Stormsuit Monster - Functions much like the Vermintide Stormfiend. Heavy stubber, Flamethrower and has a weakspot on its back.

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Yeah, and they’ll never know, because they’ll never try. You can make Vet a very solid melee/close quarters body type 1/2.

Not wanting to play Ogryn, I can kind of see that. He feels slow and sluggish and has two builds, one of which needs half the ammo on the map. Still, I’ll never understand why you wouldn’t want to try it out.


In their defense, the Veteran was originally only a ranged specialist for the most part