Suggestion to increase Disrupt Destiny's precision bonus duration to 6 seconds

I think Disrupt Destiny’s precision bonus could get a duration increase to 6 seconds instead of 4 to make Perfectionism and Lingering Influence actually competitive with one another. Lingering Influence will still be easier to maintain but I think this buff would make Perfectionism worth using as well without out-competing Lingering Influence which currently is and will remain a very strong choice.

Currently, I think Lingering Influence is simply far better than Perfectionism as it already has a max 150 second uptime but also each stack lasts 10 seconds and is significantly easier to maintain, so easy in fact that Lingering Influence lets you keep a high stack count constantly without needing to spend an extra talent point on Cruel Fortune. This base duration increase to 6 seconds would increase Perfectionism’s max uptime from 100 seconds to 150 seconds and make it easier to maintain but not nearly as easily as Lingering Influence.

After playing more, I found that Perfectionism’s great in auric solo or carry situations but becomes a unreliable or dead talent in lower than auric difficulties and when the game spawns no or few mark-able enemies, such as when there’s only poxwalkers, groaners, ogryns, specials and bosses. Also becomes very unreliable with high latency. Maybe instead of increasing the buff duration, DD could be changed to include more enemies in the pool of mark-able enemies.


Yeah I literally always pick lingering. I hate the feeling of losing all my stacks between engagements, or even just losing stacks in general.

Not really an issue in the highest difficulties, but you can still have a few moments where you just can’t/shouldn’t be prioritizing the blue shinies over other stuff.

realistically lingering influence is just too good and needs to be changed. I don’t know what the point of a ramping keystone mechanic is if you can get very close to 100% uptime in a mission.
Maybe an interesting change that isn’t just “nerf the uptime” would be cool, like making it mark enemies differently or changing how you get the stacks from marked enemies or what you get from killing marked enemies


guys its a lot of damage having the stacks up for that long would be massive


It is a lot of damage, but that extra potential damage doesn’t mean much if the stacks decay so fast. I’ll try doing a true solo later with perfectionism, see how easy it is to obtain and maintain max stacks in a solo environment compared to multiplayer.

They would have to change warp siphon too then. At that point I would rather stick to the current status quo than ask for a whole rebalance that could just end up being worse.

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Warp siphon at least has the interesting dynamic of letting you consume them. Disrupt destiny is probabyl the best keystone in the game because it’s tuned like a ramping damage buff similar to marksmans focus, but it just never falls below 13 with lingering influence.

I agree there’s bigger fish to fry atm but balance on that really isn’t thought through and lingering presence should be something else entirely that isn’t “just make the uptime permanent”
for what it’s worth I feel the same way about stuff like blazing piety or FNP, those mechanics are so terrible they might aswell not exist and just be static buffs which clearly wasn’t their design for keystones


Maybe a happy medium would be increasing the stack cap based on peril.

Keep them on a timer so they still shave off one at a time and you don’t automatically lose them all at low peril, but if you want the highest stack count then you need to be at 80% or whatever.

This would encourage the gameplay psykers should be striving for anyways.


Yeah dd is extremely good as is

I could see this/would personally be ok with this. I know many are bringing up ‘just how much damage it would be’, but currently having ran around with the 4 second timer a decent amount (as until recently I only put 1 point into disrupt destiny as liked my toughness, until they added 15 base toughness to Psyker like chads and I was able to forgo that toughness point while still keeping 200-202 toughness so could take one more DD point), and I will say at least for me, I’d never have more than 3-4 stacks at any given time.

There’s just often to much of a gap between enemy groups to really ever see the benefit of perfectionism, much less actually see that massive increase in potency you would have if you could actually stack up that high. You’ll get a few enemies in a clump, maybe get up to around 4-6 stacks with their newly implemented (and sourly needed) ‘bouncing head’ mechanic, and then the next blue guy will be part way across the wave begging for you to go for them. By the time you get there with perfectionism, you’re back down to 2 or even no DD stacks, but with Lingering Influence you’ve only lost 2 stacks and are losing the third, allowing you to actually stack the damage as you go from 3 back up to 9 in this clump of enemies, then go from 6 to 12, and so on.

Upping it’s base duration even by a second (to 5 lets day) would help make Perfectionism actually feel like a choice, verses right now where it’s basically always Lingering Influence or ‘I don’t have a keystone’. One can bring up the ‘double proc on weakspot hit’ too to a point, but even then only dropping to 10 stacks of DD between engagements verses losing 13 and likely not having any is still just a none factor of a choice, and it would be nice to actually feel like the ‘other path’ is worth doing too.

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Man, Perfectionism just becomes a dead talent with some decent teammates and/or with a flamer psyker. Feels bad.

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