Suggestion: Give Console users an auto-ping (tag) for mobs they swing at 2-3 times

The console people can’t/don’t ping, I have no idea what’s involved there but they never seem to.

Suggestion: Give Console users an auto-ping (tag) for mobs they swing at 2-3 times, fight for more than 3s or take big damage from, something…

Seeing far too many of them die in a corner to a single elite with the rest of the team not really sure what’s happening.

Tbh, the same happens with pc players.
It seems like most players generally do not ping anything.

Not sure if it should happen automatically though, since pinging is part of a player‘s skillset.
Also, having certain enemies be auto pinged, could remove the mark from a trapper/dog/sniper that you manually tagged (i guess this could be prevented by only activating auto ping, when ever no target is currently actively pinged by the player).

Don’t get me started on PC player who don’t ping…
Had a lights out map and someone dodged into the group around a corner with an unpinged crusher and whack…

While I agree about “skillset”, don’t know how controllers are mapped, and I’m not sure they can add another button to their “skillset”. Right now the console ping rate is basically worse than PC player which is already abysmal.

Seeing as how the Xbox PC players can opt out of console cross-play and Steam players like myself cannot, I really would like to give the consoles a slight boost here and there like auto-pings (not on every button press), it helps the rest of the team help them.

Since pre release beta it has pretty consistently felt to me like I am the only one aware of the ping button in 95% of the games I play. I don’t think that number is an exaggerated either. I use that damn button all the time. Incredibly useful to be able to track elites and specials through thick horde or fire spam. Half the time if I hear a special cue and I’m not sure where they are I’m spamming ping at the horde to try to locate them.

Because I almost never see anyone even pre console launch use the damn button it’s hard for me to feel like there’s a specific issue with console here. If their control layout literally doesn’t have a button mapped for it sure that’s an issue, but yet to see that confirmed in this thread.

FWIW the Auric Ping rate is a bit better , 40-50% average? Still wayyyyy too low.
I have a Quick Chat mod Text macro to politely ask people to ping, they often are more frequent after that, more often after someone eats a silly smack from a mauler or crusher.

I had asked someone on console and they said it wasn’t really feasible or something like that, not sure if that’s true or not.

Here’s the controller mapping in Steam, I’m assuming it’s the same?
I’m a M&Kb guy, guessing it’s awkward to press L bumper (the button above L trigger/secondary action)?
See Xbox Support

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I’d rather they make the bloody pings visible. Whoever decided to not do high contrast outlines for pinged targets and allies needs a swift kick up the backside

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