A Cover System would be great for the game, especially because we’re always at constant enemy fire and sometimes we need to cover and counter-fire when we’re in trouble. Currently we have a cover animation but it’s only a visual thing, it doesn’t actually protect you from enemy fire.
No thanks, this is not that kind of game.
Can you give a better explanation of why this shouldn’t be in the game instead of a generic answer?
Darktide, like its predecessor Vermintide, is a “Tide” game rather than a cover shooter.
You can already hide behind cover in these games, but the point is to constantly force you into melee by sending hordes after you, or to keep you moving forward by sending disablers like Trappers after you if you move too slowly.
These games are about you and three other players, your squad, being sent into hellish situations and escaping as quickly as possible to the Storm Raptor without making too many mistakes that will cost you the run while the A.I. Director tries its best to get you killed.
There is a constant sense of urgency.
A cover shooter is a slower, more methodical game type in which you try to stay in cover as much as possible to avoid getting your block shot off.
The game “Outriders” attempted to break that formula by having enemies constantly throw bombs or swarm you to force you out of cover while benefiting from staying behind cover, but that is not the same as a “Tide” game.
Good explanation; I thought you would be one of those randoms that only join posts to be negative, trolling and to sabotage people’s ideas.
Isn’t the current cover system a Veteran hidden special? I thought it was.
I’m not completely opposed to the idea because I play in third person via a mod, but the game isn’t really designed for cover shooting because you want to move forward to avoid being swarmed.
Nah every character does it with their ranged equipped. Can make some cool reloads and give us another angle at some of the good looking models, that’s about it.
A fully fleshed out cover system has to be seamless. If you look at the vaulting and movement in this game, with people using macros and whatnot to polish it, Fatshark isn’t the best at seamless movement. Taking people away from the rest of the game and putting them on another system seems like a bad idea to me.
With as many shooting enemies as there is, the maps would have to be designed around cover, the skills would have to be rebalanced and so on. Currently there is cover, but it’s pretty irregular, and the enemies don’t have a forum to complain in.
Also, you are adding a bunch of waist high hurdles for everyone to move past with the imperfect vaulting, not to mention the ogryn wouldn’t be able to use much of the cover at all.
I can imagine a thread in an alternate timeline in which you might argue that they should have just scrapped the cover system and polished the rest of the game.
Sometimes it’s best to know what you’re good at and stick with it.
There absolutely is a cover system. You just make your character as short as possible and hide behind boxes with crouch.
Ogryns need not apply.
I mean, I know why this doesn’t work.
Have you ever tried playing it cover style? The issue is the melee enemies. They slide over the boxes and then stand inside you, as they stack up on you. The gameplay doesn’t flow.
While I don’t think a cover system is necessary or would be great, I would absolutely ADORE heavy ranged weapons that you could brace on cover. Imagine a multi laser or a heavy stubber like the vet in the talent tree art has, horrible overall accuracy but you could brace it on cover for more accurate fire.
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