With the shooter buff they should also update cover so we can have proper cover from ranged

Soo many times when i play and take cover behind something and it feels like the enemies are still able to shoot me, its like a small part of my head/scalp that is sticking out the above the cover that all shooter are aiming for and blasting.
(This have been the case since launch)

This is for both my veteran that is middle hight and my zelot that is as low as you can go on the slider (my melee speed goblin). Both still get shoot in the head when hiding behind cover.

In other words if fatshark can just make all covers a little TALLER so we can actually take proper cover behind them now when ranged enemies are extra deadly.

Mabye even make it so "if you are behind cover then you take 60% less suppression " to add a little flavor to the whole thing.


Shooters buff already got reverted today.


Sir, if you are trying to take cover on a zealot, I might have to revoke your zealoting license.

The answer is always the W key.


If you aren’t taking cover on a zealot or any class I might have to revoke your darktide license

It’s a shame, I was starting to get used to it…

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FatShark can’t make a good cover system and a map with good cover, so it has to choose to cancel this buff for shooters

Darktide’s (or FS in this matter) solution to cover is to give classes invisibility.

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You’re asking them to update every single asset that can be considered a “cover” on every single map.
I’d prefer it if they used that time to work on new maps instead.

The better more efficient solution is to simply add more spread to certain enemies like the dregs since they’re just some riff-raffs.
Moebians (scabs) on the other hand should have better aim since they’re professionals.

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W or Death. Actually on second thought, I refuse to die this time.


I like the idea of the sabs/mobian 6 having better aim cus they are trained soldiers.

i dont think it will require that much effort in changing the covers already placed on the maps, and its not like they have to do all maps at once, start with 1-2 per normal update and work their way through them all slowly.

They just updated a lot of maps with new pathways and blocking rubble/barricades, that semes like a more time consuming thing to do then fix the covers that are already on the maps.


sometimes i feel like ducking makes it worse, and any gunner’s spread becomes even tighter than it is, hitting more shots and making impossible to retreat/get some toughness
it would be nice if when you duck behind cover* you get somewhat similar effect as you get when you’re covered in smoke - enemies just lose your track and shoot a wider spread not to hit you, but just try to suppress your movement behind cover

also, it seems that sir Melk is a douchebag that wants you to die every time he reminds you to duck when enemies start shooting


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