Hello my fellow rejects,
due to the fact that darktide is a hybrid shooter i think it would be a nice addition to the game if we could shoot out of the cover. Example:
You crouch behind the cover and can ,without zoom, just shoot aimless over the cover.
You crouch behind the cover and can, with zoom(RMB), bend over the cover (or the sides) and shoot from there.
Same would be with throwing granades.
That would be very usefull and come in handy when there are enemie shooters and you are behind cover.
Good luck Rejects, see you on the battlefield and may the emperor bless you.
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Oh I freakin love that idea! It totally makes sense, especially when you consider how cover is essential, especially on the higher difficulties. You litteraly get bloody obliterated by gunners so you have to hide and take them on slowly and very carefully. kinda obvious that this feature should be included. I mean they usually the gunners swap to melee once you are close enough, thats how I usually handle it with my zealot, but I am playing only on difficulty 2 so far. On higher levels there are simply to many I usually need to stay in cover and try to take them out from a far.
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