One of my many, many, many criticisms would be that cover is too ambigious. It is not clear at all if you are currently “in cover” from enemy fire. The only way to find out is to duck behind something that KINDA looks like it should provide cover, but still get damaged by ranged attacks. I don’t really know how one would go about fixing this, but my suggestion would be: If it even REMOTELY looks like cover, it should provide cover.
You just need something between you and the enemies to block the line of fire. Really anything can be cover.
Okay. Then it simply doesn’t work half of the time. Like, literally, I more often than not get hit directly through objects.
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There’s definitely things out there that seem like they should be cover, but you still get shot anyway. Seems like the safe thing to do right now is to just assume it isn’t full cover unless it’s taller than you while you’re standing.