Suggestion,a bout smoke bomb

Remove the vet’s smoke bomb and replace it with a mine.
Smoke bombs are extremely impractical and block the view of other players, it is recommended to remove them and replace them with mines.
The veteran starts with four mines, which can only be deployed in place. Mines explode when zombies or other monsters step on them.
Mines have a large blast range, but the damage is moderate, with a 3 second deceleration (can be increased to 5 seconds by talent)


Mine model, with a few minor modifications

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I agree with this actually. It combos well with stealth vet and is far more useful than smoke.

Give us mines! You have the code already via the Twins and their tox mines, let us drop some and then we can play Tacticool Vet!

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right!we need mine replace smoke

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No give me Satchel Charges instead I would like to manually activate them!


It’s not as much of a Smoke Grenade suggestion as a replacement.

I think that it would be better to further buff smokes (Maybe working like a Strumm Grenade lite) and hope for additional branches.

Stormtrooper with Hellgun/Volleygun as ability and Melta Charge as Blitz

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Dawg you gotta put an NSFW up before posting something this sexy :sob:

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It sounds cool, but is it any more effective than an underhand grenade toss?

Smoke grenades would be much better if they gave Volley Fire effects and highlighted shooters


Too much of vet’s kit is ‘zealot lite’. Replacing smokes would diversify the right-hand branch and make them more distinct role-wise.

I wouldn’t be opposed to a new mission segment where you have to carry mines around (preferably as an additional item slot) and then plant them in specific locations.

As for your Smoke Grenade buff suggestion, I had an alternative (but similar) idea. For the sake of not making ES completely redundant, instead of having an ES effect that highlights priority targets, we could opt to do an Arkham Batman kinda thing where ALL of the enemies inside the smoke are tagged and completely vulnerable. The drawback? You also have to be inside of (or at least close to) the smoke to see the tags. However, I do like your idea just as much!


Increasing crit chances for allies in the smoke, increase weak spot damage, generate toughness, all could be nice adds to current smoke.

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honestly smoke grenade is a powerful defensive tool, it’s just it requires coordination to get most of the value out of it and most darktide players think if they run fast enough everyone else has to follow their lead. mines would just be a more situational krak grenade


Smokes are so bad they’d actually make an annoying special enemy. They only work some of the time, blind players, and enemy shooters can just walk right out of them. They’re so unpredictably bad that they’re actively a detriment to your team, no matter how much people might think they’re helping.

I’d be all for removing them. While we’re at it, we really don’t need grenades in the skill tree. Just let us pick from a menu what to take.


fukin zeds

I just really don’t understand the continuous critique about smokes. Blind the players? How? If you’re anywhere even near the edge you can see outside just fine while still enjoying its cover. They don’t work? Yes they do, sure there’s some funky business with some enemies still firing on your last location, but it’s not like you didn’t need to dodge if you had no smoke in the first place.

Smokes are the one thing where you can instantly protect your team no matter their position or the enemy location. They render like 99% of ranged enemies and all disablers useless, likely forcing them out of cover and into melee like an oggy taunt. And unlike shields, smokes will always do their job for the full 15-30s no matter what and can be deployed at range, even popping several for a safe path to reposition no matter where you are. Thanks to their long duration and not something you spam like the other nades, you’ll basically always have them available when you need them too.

Imo smoke only has 4 problems:

  1. It’s utility instead of dmg when most people are all about DPS
  2. It’s the furthest removed blitz from Survivalist and adjacent to melee talents, so an expensive pick for the most popular builds
  3. Most people just don’t know what it does and how it works, mainly how it’s not just good for ranged but also flat out trivializes trappers, dogs etc.
  4. It actually requires forethought, tactics, awareness, and teamwork to use well. In other words: skill.

You can say that… when AT LEAST Snipers are blocked by Smokes, that is.

The critiques come from the fact that there’s virtually no point to using Smokes at this current time, especially when compared to Frags and Kraks, which are both either equipped to bridge any gaps in a generalist build or double down on an absolutist build.


Just give him Ranger Vet’s VT2 special already, that’s literally all it needed to be.

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Pareto’s Law.

If you’ve got to make 80% of the effort to get 20% of the output, versus 20% of the effort to get 80% of the output, then you’ve got a “bad tool ™”.

No point saying most players don’t “get it” : if they don’t get it, it’s not well designed.

Also… it’s huge hyperbole to say it protects your team no matter where they are from enemies no matter where they are. That’s just not true. Psyker shield does a better job on that front. And the smite ability is more comparable, but better at disabling enemies while not impeding friendlies.


in the case of smoke, it’s not bad design. it’s built for a style of gameplay the playerbase refuses to give thought too. smoke’s effectiveness requires positioning defensively, and virtually nobody does that outside of premades of friends just messin’ around. sure i can get good use out of it when i’m playing with my friends, but in tryhard groups or randos you will NOT get the cooperation needed.

of course that’s also how fatshark plays when they test things inhouse, so it explains why they reused the smoke mechanics from VT2.

If what you made and are selling and marketing doesn’t align with what the customer base is looking for, it’s badly designed, people will (and in this case clearly have) stop buying and using the product. Simple as.

Business 101.