Subtitle Inconsistencies

Issue Type (Required):

Text & Localisation

Issue Description (Required):

Dialogue frequently does not match spoken words - usually blurb dialogue, such as calling out drinking potions. For example, Bardin may say “A bit tangy for my taste…” when drinking a healing draught, but the subtitles will read “Vile taste, needs hops!”

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Play the game. It’ll show up multiple times per mission.

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Common (<50%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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Hi @CobaltNinja,

We suspect this may be a case by case issue. If you notice this and can provide specific examples of the subtitles and VO not matching, that would be very helpful for us to resolve them :slight_smile: Thanks!

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From taking a look at gameplay myself, it seems that the subtitle and the line spoken seem to be closely related - subtitles related to active abilities are never incorrect, as well as mission-related ones and passive dialogue chatter between the U5.

So far I’ve observed the following scenarios in which the subtitles are correct:

  • Low health callouts & responses
  • Downed callouts & responses
  • Death callouts
  • Boss callouts
  • Mission-related dialogue
  • Idle chatter during breaks
  • Active ability callouts
  • Marking elites
  • Marking specials
  • Bestigor charging
  • Banner planting

This list is probably non-exhaustive, but hopefully this helps narrowing down the issue.

I’ve observed the following inconsistencies with dialogue:

  • Specific case: When Saltzpyre gets hit by gas, Sienna may respond with “Poison seeks its own kind, Saltzpyre.” However, his response does not trigger, and if Kerillian is in the party, it will continue to be silent, but the subtitle “Kerillian: Malefic Blasphemy!” will trigger.
  • Drinking Healing Draughts
  • Special spawn callouts (Grimgi’s mattock, a Globadier! reads in subtitles as “Kill that globadier!” for example)
  • Special kill callouts

There’s definitely more than this but I don’t remember most of them - I’m gonna play more today and note the cases where these problems appear, so please do keep an eye on this post for edits. What’s also interesting to note is that sometimes the spoken line and the subtitle are correct in these cases, which makes me suspect that it’s picking the dialogue and subtitle randomly from different pools - not that they’re linked together, as they likely should be.


Thanks @CobaltNinja! I’ve shared this internally.

If you add/edit any additional findings then please drop a comment and tag me and I’ll make sure any new information makes its way to our developers too! Much appreciated :slight_smile:


Sure thing, here’s some more I’ve noticed today:

  • Saltzpyre telling the gang to stay vigilant
  • Killing Bodvarr Ribspreader
  • Reviving a teammate
  • Boss subtitles don’t show up anymore, actually
  • Kruber’s subtitles can read “goodfellows”, but he still calls them mates about half the time anyways

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