I can explain to you in simple way
They did not remove the locks and let the system like that…
Remember that a lot of people wanted that they would just remove the locks. Still, even after the communication, several would just want that they just remove the locks and not this system (that I personally like on paper)
The system they describe is something I like especially cause it seems to remove the RNG part (let’s wait and see).
by the way: Community Comm-Link 27th July 2023 - #143 by Ralendil
The system they describe is clearly not what I suggested here. But I have also pushed for a forge where you could improve your weapon…
Here we have a system that allow you to craft anything you want, that will allow you to improve the modifiers of a weapon… in other words, a system where it looks (I wait to experiment it before) that they removed the RNG part.
There is still a wall. They substituted a wall of RNG by a wall of progression. I just hope that the new wall won’t be higher than the RNG one.
What I wanted to say before (so 1 year ago) is that they would not remove the locks just to remove the locks and that’s all. And they did not.
But, if it can make your day better, you can think that they have totally listened the community and have just removed the locks.