Finally. Took long enough to just have somebody finally say it aloud, thank god.
Finally. Took long enough to just have somebody finally say it aloud, thank god.
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
Great! Looking forward to the devblog they are working on for more then a month…
Definitely a welcome surprise, lord knows I have enough near-godroll and bricked gear that can be salvaged from yeeting the locks.
Now the question is how are the locks being removed, is FS just removing the limit themselves or is that something we do on our end post rework with crafting mats or what-not. These days there’s almost always a catch.
personal tl;dr: I’ll believe it when I see it.
Honestly, fair. I’m still a teensy bit wary that there’s gonna be some kind of catch that’d sour the whole thing.
RNG was propping up the Swedish idea of keeping players occupied. One can only wonder if it won’t be replaced with something just slightly less offensive.
Wow I can’t believe it
So can we have the testers just say random things? Because apparently leaks is the only way we can get FS to pop up and tell us things.
lmaoing @ locklickers
A nice surprise but I’d rather that we’d gotten actual news rather than having to rely on some random publication either publishing an article early or leaking stuff.
So is this something that’s going to happen soon in the current system or are they saying in the new itemization system they don’t have locks?
I honestly like the theory of having the article leak intentionally to gauge how people would have reacted to the basic concept, without having to actually write and post a devblog and get lit up (rightfully) in the process for their tone deaf ideas.
Hanlon’s razor.
Never assume malice when incompetence is an option.
Honestly every variation of that saying is absolute bs.
It’s 2024. 100% of malicious predatory game/MTX systems are intentional and based on malice/greed.
The well intentioned passionate gaming industry most people grew up with is long dead.
No, it’s just been relegated to the indie world. Generally.
Now with the locks leaving maybe I can actually recommend the game to people without having to caveat with “but the crafting is a crapshoot”
We still don’t know about this battlepass grind nor the specifications.