You’re not necessarily supposed to keep up with them, that’s kinda the point.
Combat Knife with minimal charged heavy into slides will up your mobility, if that’s what you’re really wanting, but not every weapon is built for being able to just zoom around.
Slide-sprinting is just generally good advice: always be slide sprinting – preserves momentum and allows dodging of ranged attacks. Saves a bit of stamina.
Welp, you can’t if you are not a zealot or psyker with dueling sword/knife. Just wait for disabler will stop him.
Just slide spaming.
Technically you can use side dodge and walk like a crab + jump to reset dodge limit, with fine dodge distance weapon, but i have no idea in what situation you can use it, like only if you know you will need your stamina in the next room.
Zealot’s have a sprint multiplier of 0.75 with no stamina while every other class has a sprint multiplier of 0.5 which is why zealot’s look so fast compared to you (that and zealots have access to movement speed and sprint speed nodes on the skill tree)
I mean, if you’re content with fighting whatever scraps they didn’t feel were worth their time, sure.
My strategy when I’ve got people running off ahead is to play heavy ranged and make a point to kill whatever they look at before they get there. If I’ve got the choice between them making the game boring for me or me for them, I’m choosing the latter.
That’s a good strat for sure, but you’d be surprised how much the game will throw at you when you are in the rear. Honestly, it can be as much as they have in front of them on occasion.
If you sprinting while having stamina - you move 30% faster. If you sprint without stamina - you move ~10% faster.
Get 1 trinket for +3 stamina. Get 2-3 sprint effeciency perks. Get 2 block effeciency. You can also add 2-3 stamina regeneration.
You can ourun hordes and kite them. You can block your way out of some unexpected ragers. You can push out of being encircled by horde. You can survive under attacks of chaos spawn and daemonhost.
run crit psyker with all the goofy crit speed boosts, and maybe disrupt destiny when it feels like not bugging out (I think this is riposte blessing related). you will leave everyone in the dust and die to a fart, but be mostly immune to range damage.