I wonder how do you fellow zealots deal with these huge amounts of ranged enemies on damnation? I feel like my toughness is broken way too fast before i can manage to force the enemy ranged mobs into melee and bind them.
Dodge. Slide. Dodge-slide. Flanking maneuvers. Well timed dashes. You’ll get used to it.
Hordes are no issue. I play with antaxMKV (BM + HEadtaker) and bolt gun aaaaand everything melts in a sec
forward slide is your best tool for approach. suppression makes this much easier.
Your ranged class teammates need to deal with them honestly.
Staying in cover and shooting them?
An autorifle, infantry or braced are very usefull.
An autopistol can cause mayhem from medium to short range, after which you charge
Heavy Laspistol is actually really good now, for taking out low level shooters, use your ult and you will burst down a crusher too.
Yell at the party Vet’ to do his job!
Stun grenade
Use the flamer for all situations…and ehr inflame your other team members because you hogged all the ammo and you are making their eyes bleed.
Use the double charge feat to get toughness back
Also the feat that gives you time to get your health back on death can help you a lot in these situations
Don’t charge in right away, make sure you kill/ suppress a bunch before you charge
accept that you will be low on health for a large part of the time, which is ok for a zealot you’re stronger that way anyway.
Put ability and toughness regen perks on your curios, and ofcourse less damage from shooters perks.
Slide a lot of the time, you can’t be damaged when sliding (specific for the zealot)
Ehr I dunno if this helps but that’s how I do it
The safest and least mechanically demanding method is to just bring a gun like MG XII or a Vraks HH and peak n shoot the majority of them out while sticking with your team for coherency regen. Diving ranged groups can be very dangerous on Damnation but certainly doable with enough map knowledge and sliding. Thy Wrath be Swift currently makes you immune to all staggers and can be a life saver for escaping heavy ranged fire with only minor chip damage.
Also remember shotgunners are public enemy number 1 and should be treated as a very high priority target. For every other ranged enemy there is a brief grace period after they break your toughness but not shotgunners. They will delete your toughness AND health bar with extreme prejudice.
Just FYI all classes are immune to ranged attacks in slide. The thing that’s special about Zealot slide is having 100% toughness DR to melee attacks during slide. This thread however is about ranged enemies and his slide has no real advantages over anyone else there.
I find that Kantrael MG XII deals with them just fine.
eh zel can access thy wrath be swift. hitstun makes the slide approach much harder.
I usually just let the vets shoot them unless there’s a ton of them.
If there’s enough and I have to take a chance though then I’ll hit the Ult, and move into range with Flamer, to suppress and damage them all, then move quickly to the nearest cover, reload and wait for a second. Then charge again until I get into melee range using the flamer to suppress them until I can melee.
If I can flank great, but I cant always do that.
If I’m using Bolter I’ll aim for the largest masses of them and fire rounds one at a time since the penetration is unreal. Then eventually will just charge the whole thing once the numbers are managable. With Bolter I’m usuallly taking down the machinegunners, shotgunners, and Reapers first, The rest won’t be able to hurt me that bad as long as I keep moving and dodge dancing in combat.
Please note that I already mentioned that and the specific quote I was responding to there. The part I quoted was misinformative, or at least highly likely to give people the wrong impression that Zealot has some fancy unique gunner repellent slide when in actuality all slides disable ranged tracking.
check out the link it has the dmg modifiers during sliding per class.
Data mined a while ago.
I’m very aware of that data it’s just misinterpreted a lot. Every characters’ slide disables ranged tracking so you can’t be hit by ranged attacks during slide on anyone. It’s only relevant to melee attacks.
Ok I am not aware of that, how did you figure it’s only melee?
Conversations with code monkeys on the Discord then verifying with gameplay. Shooters will still hit you and damage you between slides even on Zealot, but mid slide you will never be shot even as the chunky Ogryn. You can even visually see enemies that were about to shoot you be interrupted if you slide just as they’re about to shoot.
alright fair enough, thanks for the info. But sliding a lot can still help you not getting shot too much I would say.
So I think I’ll keep doing it
Wasn’t trying to suggest otherwise. Sliding is GOATed, just wanted to clear up potential misunderstanding and make sure OP knows sliding is as crucial for every class.
Yes agreed it is very useful all around.
And fun to do, all we need is a double jump now and we can parkour around the map.
Ok bit off topic I hope the OP finds some use for the tips.
Just learn what fights you can take tbh.
Damnations range enemy’s have to be picked off from a distance until you can flank them or just dash in.
Basically if your ever in the open you want charge ready incase a shotgunner just melts your toughness.
you could use your class skill to close the gap it works flawlessly… LOL sorry just said that for the shock value
you can either turn into a gimped vet and fight at range or hope they bunch thier shots up so you dont get nailed between dodge slides and cross your fingers there no shotgunner in that corner .
could always run flamer and spooge down the corridor towards the enemy , wont accomplish much but your team wont be able to see that so…