The big issues for me with the specials are “Good god the knockback on ranged weapons is silly” and “Man, remember collision detection?”. Getting punted by a sniper like a hollywood action film shotgun pulls me out of the game and makes them very unfun to fight with everything else they do.
Most of the melee special stuff would be better if they just had collision: I have been downed often enough by my rev’d chainaxe going into a poxwalker that walked through the rager instead, blasted by a sniper through a (seemingly unharmed) crowd, and who can forget the crusher-bulwark four armed chimera?
…dammit I think I’ll make a topic about that.
I have a dislike for the flame based specials however, because not only does the fire eat your toughness, because of the system that makes you stop moving you eat a lot of health damage trying to get out of a grenadier’s aoe. If it bypassed toughness entirely instead I think it would still hold your feet to the fire (dohohoh) but not be so frustrating.