So I have this new problem where no game icons at all will load

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It has been taking forever to load the game and I am on a decent new computer and when I load into the game now every icon be it skills or weapons or anything with a picture all it shows is a spinning circle it will not load this stuff I waited around 30 min for it too because I wanted to respect and I couldnt. Its almost like it cant pull the graphic files or something so I am verifying the files in steam right now just to make sure nothing got corrupted and when that is done I will come back and adjust my post in case that fixed or didnt fix it. This last patch for sure has been the most buggy I think ive ever seen the game and I was a beta tester for it before it first came out. Hopefully its a problem thats easily fixed. So if anyone else knows perhaps how to fix this game not being able to load anything let me know

Hello! Would you be able to include a screenshot or screen recording of what you’re seeing please?