Smoke nades should block los for snipers too. And stealth should make specials ignore you. It’s like you have the shade glitch from 6 months ago in darktide now.
Yeach time I use smoke Im afraid I spoil game to my teammates. I don’t use it since those two runs. And never use it again.
Situation in this game changes so fast, that you can’t eve afford you grenade to have delay before explosion, and we are talking about smoke…
Maybe try to give it x3 range ( yeah yeah, hear me out ) and make it highlite elites who are in this smoke.
Then synergize this highlite with other crit damage buffs or something.
Or make it gass grenade that buffs accuracy, reduces sway and improve recoil control XD. Yeah, and reload speed please XD.
+15% melee speed would be great too.
Do not forget about QOL stuff. It makes game better and has almost no impact on game ballance.
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