Perilous Combustion psyker talent (intentionally) does not proc on soulblaze ticks to prevent it from just profilerating itself across the map.
When using smite and perilous combustion, the soulblaze ticks WILL however proc perilous combustion and do just that, aslong as the enemy is smited. The result is an extreme amount of soulblaze being applied to everything that’s being smited as soon as the ball is rolling.
Highly abusable in certain elite spam maelstrom modifiers
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
Pick Smite and Perilous Combustion
Smite some elites after killing 2-3 of them, preferably via soulblaze (venting shriek + creeping flames works to speed it up) to get the ball rolling
The entire screen is now at maximum soulblaze and dies in split seconds because every single enemy dying from soulblaze will explode into 3 more soulblaze stacks
(Intended behavior: soulblaze killing an elite will not make it burst via Perilous Combustion)
Sorry, I didn’t understand what you meant.
The effect of the “Perilous Combustion” skill is to kill Elite or expert enemies in any way, and when the enemy’s death corpse animation disappears for 2 seconds, it produces 3 layers of soul fire effect on all enemies within 5 meters around it
No matter whether you use “Soul Fire”, “Smart” or any other melee long-range attack method, the result is the same
Perilous combustion only triggers if a non-soulblaze damage instance kills the elite/special.
If smite is used on the target, then even soulblaze damage instances will trigger perilous combustion.
I assume it’s intentional because if it did the talent would be ridiculously overpowered as it would proliferate itself and “spread” on its own.
As I said, Smite lets soulblaze ticks trigger perilous combustion. You may be inclined to say that’s not a big deal but here’s what happens as a result with all other talents and mechanics factored in. Keep in mind smite itself is doing pretty much no damage here, it’s not an EP build.