Small (but huge) QoL I’d like to see addressed

  1. Daily rewards should open upon loading into keep (I forget this exists sometimes, as do many others).
  2. Many tooltips are misleading or incorrect, like veteran capping power at 200, but mentioned as capping at 300. This also includes the increased power talent omitting the default stagger description, making it seem like stagger talents give more than they actually do.
  3. The weekly event gives no extra rewards, when it would be nice for it to be akin to the weekly expedition.
  4. Losses are far too punishing, making what could have been a very good run feel like a complete waste of time if they fail at the end.
  5. Cataclysm difficulty being locked behind a DLC is still as much of a problem now as it was on release.
  6. Standards bearers flags should be affected by ranged attacks.
  7. There are no options to mark weapons as favorites so you don’t scrap them, nor a “scrap-all” option.
  8. On launch, it would be very nice to have an “always launch into official realm” option. Likewise, it would be nice to always load into the keep as an option.
  9. No mods have been accepted in years. For being a Left 4 Dead 2 successor, it’s not a great choice to abandon the thing that makes L4D2 still one of the most popular games.
  10. Not having a vocalizer is also a huge misstep, as it’s vital in the Left 4 Dead 2 experience and can make for some really hilarious moments.
  11. Some lines of dialogue can repeat over and over in the same session, which can become very annoying.
  12. The Tower of Treachery is too unintuitive:
    • The invisible bridge isn’t clear
    • The circle of death in the fight isn’t clear and is hard to see (especially if you’re colorblind)
    • The skulls targeting the barrels specifically isn’t clear (the existence of this mechanic is also a problem in an already overtuned fight)
    • Many things seem like secrets but aren’t, like the fake portal, the wolf in the telescope, the “hidden” lever that just opens the door, the “hidden” keys that just open the door next to them, and the wine barrels that can be activated for no reason due to asset reusing.
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Yes there is, mouse over an item and press F to favourite it.


Doesn’t tell you this anywhere in the game, though!

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  1. Absolutely yes, moreover, daily rewards should not be on a strict 24 hour rotation, but instead, work like the Gifts of the Wolf Father, that is, it should be possible to pick them up each day from a fixed point in time.
  2. Yes, tooltips need a lot of improvement.
  3. One of the main issues with both the Weekly Event and with Deeds, is that they give no Quickplay Bonus, which is actually quite huge, as it makes the difference between Emperor’s and General’s Vaults, even on all book runs. At the very least, an EXP boost equivalent to the QP bonus should be introduced to both. But the weekly event is unbearably awful in a lot of ways to begin with and needs a rework, which is another can of worms to be opened.
  4. This may feel like it when one is a beginner at the game, but as you progress and you both take less losses and get more and more items in your inventory, it becomes a non-issue. Chaos Wastes has consolation brizes, by th way.
  5. You mean Catacylsm. And yes, it should not be paywalled at all.
  6. No, Standard bearers would become too easy to deal with. Explosive Bombs and Trollpedoe shots already affect the banners, by the way.
  7. There is a function to favorite items, but it is not explained anywhere. It should be. I agree with the scrap all option. Maybe there should be an option to auto-scrap loot up to a given rarity as well, right when you open chests?
  8. Yes.
  9. Rather than accepting mods, the developers should put effort in the game to implement QoL fixes so that moids won’t be required. Bots need to be made less demented, for a start.
  10. Ah yes, people playing Rochelle’s laugh so much that it got removed from the game. No thanks. Let Character dialouge remain meaningful and appropriate, and not something to be spammed.
  11. Fartshart said that they fixed the “don’t stay in the gas” voices, which was a baltant lie, other than that, I see no issue.
  12. Invisible bridge (and the first tome) both have clues right at the start. As for the others, they are non-issues or part of the learning curve.