Sorry if this is a little redundant with some bug topics already made. Just wanted to make a post that expressed how Ogryn’s toolkit is currently underwhelming with regards to his feats. There’s more that could be said about his weapons (attack speed and patterns, accuracy, diversity) and how they interact with feats but that’s another topic.
Lynchpin [5]: Specifically says “allies in coherency” but the effect only applies to self. Either it’s bugged or the text is wrong.
Not clear if working or how they work:
Towering Presence [15]: When your wider coherency radius reaches a teammate but said teammate’s radius doesn’t reach you, are you only buffing the teammate or are you gaining their aura buff as well?
Bloodthirst [20]: Grants X% damage resistance, but how is this calculated? Does 50% resistance mean I’m only taking half the damage I would otherwise after the 20% passive? Or is this %age relative to that passive, therefore only 30% dmg reduction max? It’s difficult to test this (and other feats) live.
Payback Time [25]: There’s no feedback during live missions to show this is clearly working, including a buff icon in the HUD.
Knife through Butter [25]: I notice no difference whether this feat is active or not, even playing on Heresy and Damnation. Tested with all 4 of the melee weapons.
Bombs Away! [10]: Problems with the default grenade aside, this just doesn’t seem like a good talent. Situational and the grenades do low damage and have small splash.
Lead the Charge [15]: Essentially extending Bull Rush’s speed buff to your teammates doesn’t seem that great. Impossible to coordinate with randoms. Would be sick if the buff duration was extended with this one.
Die Hard [20]: Stacking max HP curios means I have to be at ~120 HP, down from ~480, for this effect. I’m not that low unless things are really going bad in a mission, in which case Hard as Nails [20] is the better option (and has definitely saved some of my runs).
Raging Bull [25]: Like Dainsalif says below, “Instead of building and spending stacks on every attack, you do not gain RB stacks on an attack when you’re spending them. Basically, you only get the damage bonus on every other swing. Additionally, it only appears to boost damage on your primary target, not cleaved enemies.” Very weak bonus and without a UI indicator it’s impossible to know if you’re on the damage bonus swing or the stack building swing.
Bull Gore [30]: Pitifully weak. My assumption is Ogryn’s bleed damage (or maybe bleed in general) is scaled off of the initial damage and that’s why this only does 1 dmg per tick. Even if this was comparable to the bleed from Blood & Thunder [10] it’d be very weak. You can’t even use it for the defensive interaction with Bloodthirst [20] because the bleed ends before the enemies you knock off get back on their feet.
I would also like to know how Ogryn level 25 feats “Knife Through Butter” and “Raging Bull” are supposed to work. I don’t notice any difference in game with these feats activated, either in the Meatgrinder or in game.
Are the feats bugged or what’s up?
Also what is supposed to count as a “fully charged heavy attack” (for KTB)?
I can’t edit the OP for whatever reason but for posterity’s sake: bleed has since been made stackable and is actually good in that it can save you an extra heavy attack or 2 before an elite dies in Damnation.
Raging Bull [25]: Labbed in the Meat Grinder, this does not appear to have any effect at all.
Raging Bull does work, but the tooltip is misleading. Instead of building and spending stacks on every attack, you do not gain RB stacks on an attack when you’re spending them. Basically, you only get the damage bonus on every other swing. Additionally, it only appears to boost damage on your primary target, not cleaved enemies.
To test: If you hit a single target multiple times in a row (I suggest Flak Armored), you should notice the damage go between 2 values. The lower one is the stack build, and the higher one is the stack spend.
Also what is supposed to count as a “fully charged heavy attack” (for KTB)?
It means you must hold the button until the attack goes off by itself (which nobody does because it’s a lot of extra time). If you do this with KTB, your heavy swings will cleave through all enemies, including armored ones.
Definitely not worth it, IMO - this should just give you unlimited cleave on all heavy attacks.
Huh. Thanks for clarifying. If I noticed the damage variance before I would have chalked it up as separate hit values on each combo swing.
So it’s another weak feat. I only see use for it if you can combo a horizontal that catches grunts along with your primary elite target into a big overhead hit. Or maybe it’s bugged and the buff should apply to all targets hit on the 2nd swing? Can’t discount that possibility.
Agreed, that sounds like the ideal situation for the feat as it currently functions. Unfortunately, there’s no visual indicator of if you’re on a build or a spend swing, so it’s difficult (if not impossible) to ensure you’re getting that result in the wild.
I’m hoping that they update it to update/apply the bonus on each swing, add an icon to the UI bar showing how many stacks you currently have, and also grant the bonus to cleave damage. I think that’s how most people imagine it working from the text.