They should make the Darktide board game (smaller kill team) an actual game you could play on the Morningstar.
You originally mentioned buffs and those aren’t really “buffs” so much as funny little gimmicks. I’d still prefer them to be accessible via unique item pickups and/or Ordo Dockets regardless, but as long as Fatshark doesn’t lock buffs behind paywalls… well, I won’t get QUITE as angry about them doing so with funny little gimmicks instead. Out of those suggestions, I don’t think the intoxication gimmick should be premium. Deep Rock Galactic doesn’t charge you $1 to make your character stumble around with blurred vision.
at some point you gotta think “how do I ask for money to keep a live service going without just blatantly asking for tips?” Ya gotta charge for some stuff, and silly stuff like that which doesn’t break the bank at all would be fine. The thing is, they gotta deliver on the live service part for it to matter to people. People aren’t going to buy into random stuff that doesn’t impact gameplay if they’re not emotionally invested in it.
Sure, but charging real money for an “intoxicated” status? Who in their right mind would still have fun after having to pay real money for that? I’d feel ripped off, wouldn’t you?
Fatshark could capitalise significantly more on their premium cosmetics alone by simply:
- Getting rid of FOMO.
- Lowering the prices.
- Raising the quality.
Why? This’d lead to better PR, a greater pool of total customers, more repeat customers and thus higher profit margins. Deep Rock Galactic, again, proves my claim.
I think the same thing about people spending money to buy random people skins for just one game in LoL, but people do it. As long as it’s inexpensive, then it’s fine. Charging $20 would be a bad move, kinda how it is with skins atm. If they had multiple avenues of income, then it could give reason to lower prices for everything since they’re not reliant on a single source of continued revenue (not to say that current skin pricing is justifiable based on that logic either).
All these factors make it feel like you’re getting ripped off / squeezed for all your worth.
For as long as it feels that way, sensible / aware people wont buy them.
But since there are plenty that buy skins regardless, it wont change. All those people have proven this businessmodel viable.
Yup yup. You said it!
It should definitely be available on Zealot too, and should look like the real thing, not some fake lookin garbage. Lets see some fancy gold braided epaulets and all that!
I mean seriously, you can tell some marketing dork is making the decisions and not someone who understands the product. Never heard of Ciaphas Cain huh? Never looked at the book covers? Why you think people are buying these cosmetics? To look like their fan favourites!
Yes to all. I didn’t buy a single thing becasue FOMO is just scammy tactic and quality with all the textures clipping/mismatch and recolors is just pathethic at this price tag.
Hotfix today is another strong case for repeats and a store overhaul. Do I even need to post the Veteran? It has a reskin of the Carmine Plate upperbody…
Have a good day! Come again!
Literally takes a second to google “40k commissar” and you end up with exactly what players would expect rather than what’s actually made it to the game… the fact that they didn’t even bother to attempt the brief is the most upsetting part about this whole thing.
We can tell the people involved with making the game gave a shite about what they were making to some degree or other, but the cosmetics being churned out don’t have anywhere near the attention to detail or desire to produce quality assets.
there isn’t cosmetic to dress AS a commisar in the game, there’s a cosmetic to wear their coat, the flavor text even says you probably stole it from somewhere. they were never trying to give you “you’re a commisar now!” cosmetics, just something for your reject to wear.
you’re never going to get to pretend you’re not a reject in this game. now get back on the dangerously unstable pilot’s transport and go into a plague-wracked city to shot cultist trailer trash.
That’s fair, and that’s entirely acceptable (at least to me)… except it’s hardly even a Commissar’s coat. Hat’s a compromise, stolen hat makes sense.
At that rate a description reading something to the effect of “you saw a commissar once and cobbled this sad excuse of an outfit in a vague attempt to emulate it, but let’s face it: you failed miserably”
Its not a Commissar coat.
Not even remotely. I don’t know why people have actually bought it. I saw it the first time and literally laughed at how bad it looks.
Oh sure, because having commissar boots would make the coat actually look like one. Aint no one said they wanted the rest of the commissar outfit. They want Fatshark to actually make a decent one, rather than uhhhhh…
Hideous damned coat.
(Look how thin the leather looks, my god, just half assed)
And seriously, Jackal, don’t try to insinuate that the coat looks like this because we’re not a real commissar. It looks like that because of engine limitations, lazy third party artists and a total lack of passion.
They have sold us perfectly accurate representations of other equipment which would have travelled hundreds of thousands of lightyears, so its not an ingame reason, its Fatshark’s fault.
EDIT: Shouldn’t even be a leather coat. psh.
I’m very sorry to hear about your fiance and your struggles, you were being so courteous to the OP. Sorry he was trolling and rude to you.
I absolutely love it!
Here are my typical two outfits:
(The Krieg pants most resemble Tallarn’s)
And new:
(The cape is great, but the pants. are awful (the belt is also bad, but it is what it is); nonetheless, there are no better pants options in red for the time being; the Krieg pants in red with the same “white” wrapping would be fantastic!
Tallarn’s curved Khalig sword is also very much needed. Simply make a curved sword skin for the Catachan Swords.