"Shall not pass" Okri`s challenge is not completeable since Sister rework

Please fix this challenge somehow so you can get it again. I am writing here for a friend who is a completionist.

Hi @Max93,

I’ve queried this challenge internally after the rework in the past, and have been told by our Gameplay Developers that this challenge is still possible as the wall still does damage.

If your your friend believes that there is an issue, could you please provide any further details/specifics of what they have tried doing in-game to complete this challenge, so I can provide feedback to the development team. Thanks!

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The scenario why i posted this was like followed. We did a more specials deed and killed the bots. I was a GK and he was sister with blackvenom thicket for the dot damage and we hoped that the dot will trigger the achievement. So we looked for a place where i can permanantly shield push the assassine in a corner and held it there for several minutes so the assassine is stucked in the back-roll animation. My friend casted like 5-6 ultimates on it and we were always waiting for the ultimate bar being fully filled, because we were told that a kill with the passive “A cluster of Radiants” doesnt count. The assassine died after 6 ultimates but there was no achievement. So i am curious if the dot kill does work?

Edit: i found out that blackvenom thicket doesnt work for the challenge. The initional damage of an ultimate with blackvenom thicket is 0 and i guess a kill caused by dot damage doesnt count for the achievement even if the dot was applied by the ultimate via the blackvenom thicket talent.

The other 2 level 30 talents have an initional damage so i will keep on trying with these 2.

I will keep you informed if there will be issues and if such a kill counts.


I suspect that even if you try to corner the rat in such a manner you wont get it done, the challenge specifies that the runner needs to be pouncing. Which i believe, means that it has to be killed during a long jump.

At this time i think the only way to make this work is to somehow interrupt its jump mid-air over a cliff? Because even before, just baiting a long jump into a wall did not work, even if the rat died you didnt get anything.

@FatsharkLev Could you verify?

We could finish the challenge. He has to be caught midair with the walls, not with blackvenom thicket. It is kinda tricky because the assassine has so much health that the first wall doesnt kill him (even on champion) . The assassine jumping into the wall doesnt count. You have to get the assissine midair within the marked area on the floor when you cast it. If the asssassine only jumps against the wall it wont work because he wont get damage and just bounce off.


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i tried this as well in into the nest at the first tome, it doesnt count if the assassine falls into the abyss after he hit the wall.

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