Server Error - Cannot Connect

Why aren’t more players affected by this problem, if the backend is having issues?

Based on the information we’ve gathered, this Server Error issue only seems to be affecting players based in Russia, Sweden or Latvia. It’s genuinely a very peculiar issue and we’re hoping our Service Provider will be able to shine a bit of light on what is happening.

How awfully peculiar indeed, for it to be only those few countries affected.

Skaven gnawing on the lines?

I have the same Server Error issue as described above. And it has been ongoing for two weeks.
I’m playing from Finland.
ISP: Vakka-Suomen Puhelin Oy

I hope this will be fixed as soon as possible.

My friend has this issue. He’s on the same network as me, but i don’t have this issue. I’ve been playing every day for about a week and he can’t connect to the server. It seems like there’s a problem in the backend grabbing character information or whatever.

Any update?

Sadly not yet. We’re still waiting to hear back from our Backend Service Provider. We’ve provided all of the data we have to them, so we’re hoping that the current silence is due to them investigating on their end. As soon as I have any news I’ll update here :slight_smile:

My connection issues got resolved. Game works normally now

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That’s great to hear!

Though we haven’t had any confirmation back from our Backend Service Provider yet, we have now had 2 player reports of this issue being resolved for them.

@all, when you get a chance, could you please check to see if the issue is resolved and please let me know?


I can reach the Keep, once again. That’s nice.
Haven’t tried actually playing a game yet as I’ve moved on to Valheim but it’s good to know.

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Huzzah! Seems to be positive news so far :raised_hands:

Though if anyone still runs into an issue please let me know.

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Game works again now that I tried it. loaded into a mission ok, could claim my daily reward.

Thanks for the quick and open communication. You truly are doing Sigmars work Lev <3

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Thank you guys!

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