Scriptures & Grimoires

The books are a great “Push your Luck” mechanic in Vermintide 2. And you could see the tangible impact on the rewards via the dice roll bonus.

They don’t work at all in Darktide. Here’s a few reasons why:
They both take up the same slot, the Health or Ammo crate. In VT, Scriptures took up the healing item slot, Grims took up the Potion slot. This made more sense since Potions (equivalent to Stims) were relatively less critical than Healing items, and balanced the debuff Grims give.

In DT, the Scriptures have 0 impact since the Crates are relatively much more rare than Healing items in VT, and since they’re placed, there’s almost no cost to pick up a crate, dropping it, picking your Script back up. Players still don’t even bother though.
Grims on the other hand are relatively more punishing. Their debuff effect is arguably more punishing in DT than VT as they’ll more easily push a player into 1-shot territory, and they prevent being able to pick up and drop a crate, leaving you at the mercy of other players doing it for you (they won’t).
I know you can get Curios to reduce the Grim effect, but why would you, when you can instead get a Curio stat for literally anything else, and not do Grim missions? In VT, the Grims were always there, and always mattered. So you wanted the Curse reduction. In DT, Grim Corruption resist is 100% a wasted stat.
And since you never get both Scripts AND Grims in a game, you’re missing the Risk / Reward and Push your Luck effect that stacking them had in VT.

But more than anything is the lack of reward. In VT, they gave you XP and you could see the impact of the books on your chest quality. In DT, you get XT and Dockets, but there’s nothing showing you the impact the books have on the item reward.
And even with that, item rewards essentially don’t matter in DT because you’ll essentially never have a match-end reward that ever comes close to a crafted item.

Now the easy fix for the reward here visibility: Show the impact of the tomes on the reward. But also make them increase what matters… The resources. Give a clear indicator of Scrips and Grims upping your Plasteel / Diamantine reward at the end of the game by 7% / 10% per. So that you total +20% resources. Or 30%.

Because as it is, no one ever does the Book missions now. Everyone I play with rerolls them at Melk. No one picks them on the map. When Quick play gives me one, even if I tag the Scrips, no one bothers to pick them up, even when they’re right in the way. Grims no one even touches.

TLDR: Make Scripts and Grims worth it again. Make them give a 20/30% Plasteel and Diamantine increase. Make Grims less punishing, or make the book missions always be 2 Scripts 1 Grim. And not 3 of one OR two of the other.


Could you? I ended up with a lot of my reds coming from shitty chest at cata difficulty.

Whenever I see someone pick up a grim without asking, it feels like the rudest thing as suddenly you realise you’ve lost 30 then 60% of your white health.

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I refuse to collect books at all. since no one takes them.

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Yes because you could clearly see the grims and tomes adding to the bar to give better quality chests.

As for whats in those chests? Well thats another matter :frowning:


I don’t touch Books unless someone else tells me to, but the moment that they get a free spot in their inventory, I’ll swap the Book out for a Medi-Pack or Ammo Crate and tell them to pick the Book up.

I completely refuse to pick up Grimoires on Damnation or Auric.

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I agree books are bad but honestly… I would prefer they just get removed from the game at this point. In VT2 I did full book legend runs all the time to farm those reds. Pretty much down to a science.

And since sticking together is such an integral strategy for success if people (new players) didn’t also know the “optimal” path and took different routes that wouldn’t lead to the books (you know, like, straight ahead to the objective) it caused issues.

Darktide is even worse because it has coherency and a lot more open areas and verticality and opens areas. Yes you need to scavenge more for ammo usually, but I prefer the freedom of moving around and not looking in every nook and cranny to optimize loot. I like feeling more free to focus on the combat. Because Darktide has the books in random spots, and they’re also less fun to grab. In VT2 you had puzzles and jumping/platforming to acquire them. In darktide? Randomly under the stairs on your way up.

Maybe they would be good if they were more like the chests of trials from Chaos Wastes in VT2 where you had to fight a special monster or wave of enemies. And I hate the constant corruption ticks. I don’t like feeling “timed”. Just remove a wound or something.

But honestly, since item acquisition is so awful, it doesn’t even matter if the grims give you good weapons. After 200 hours into the game you will hit an almost impassable wall with gear upgrades.

The only way it would matter is if book runs gave you reds, but that would swing them too much in relevancy.


I do think this game is missing some random events. The maps have a ton of spots where you could have random side-rooms open or closed where you can add an extra 2~3 minutes encounter that could reward a decent amount of extra resources

But having the books increase the amount of Plasteel you get is an easy thing to add to make them more worth picking up.

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I pick up scripts and pass them to teammates in case we don’t find all the supply crates. Now it’s a side game for me to fill up inventories of my teammates against their will.

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