Hunting for tomes and grimoires was my favorite part of Vermintide 2… why did you have to change this in Darktide? Now tomes and grimoires feel meaningless. They should not be mission objectives. They should go back to being optional, secret, loot/EXP modifying, easter eggs that you help new players discover.
Normally you go from difficulty 1 (recruit) to 2 (veteran) to 3 (champion) to 4 (legend) to 5 (cataclysm). Tomes/Grimoires were a perfect way to stay in your desired difficulty but slightly higher. For example: 1.5 (recruit) to 2.5 (veteran) etc.
Fatshark… please bring back the old book system. I really hope the reason you removed books was not… “because they are toxic.” 
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Book hunting made sense in V2 because you were rewarded specifically for it. in DT somehow gold doesn’t sound too problematic. But I miss them so much, especially since the weekly quests would be better
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How, they take same slot now.
In VT tomes in 3rd slot and grims are in 4th.
In DT they take same 3rd slot.
It’s a second objective now, fine and fun for me
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I kinda like that it’s a specific sub-quest and not always in every map. In Vermintide I liked them but until you get to Cata, having it be a “mandatory” part of the map in the community kinda just makes it monotonous. I like that it’s an occasional extra incentive because it makes it feel more like an event rather than just a standard part of play which changes the dynamic - Standard mission? Keep the pace high and push through. Got a secondary? Now you slow down to explore more. I like that it can create some variety like that.
I do wish it provided some kind of extra reward aside from just more money & XP. Guaranteed weapon/cosmetic drop? That would make it far more appealing to take. Right now it’s not that interesting to take because XP/Money doesn’t really seem to be much of an issue and will be even less so at the endgame.
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I am absolutely glad they got rid of the book-mechanic like it was in VT2.
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Exactly this. Instead of it being “you must memorize every book location for pugs because that’s the standard”, it’s “If you pick it up, no biggie” currently. If we don’t want to memorize or chase down book locations, we can just not take those mission bonuses now.