Scrier's gaze's warp unbound and smite

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Using a charged smite then activating scrier’s gaze will cancel smite once it reaches 100%

this works correctly when:
-using scrier’s gaze then using a charged smite
-using scrier’s gaze and using uncharged smite
-using uncharged smite then scrier’s gaze

*a friend also told me he managed to die while in warp’s unbound’s 10 sec using smite but i could not repeat the bug

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

use a charged smite then use scrier’s gaze with warp unbound, reach 100% peril

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam