Sabre - New Veteran Melee Weapon Idea

I was reading a thread in Gameplay Feedback about giving Veterans and Zealots access to the Psyker’s Duelling Sword. After some cooking, I’ve got an even better idea!

A Ceremonial/Officer’s Sabre, much like this one:

I propose that it behaves as a kind of “halfway point” between the Psyker’s Duelling Sword and the Zealot’s Heavy Sword!


From a style perspective it would be nice for sure.
Question would be how it’s move pattern would be different from the Catachan blades?
A sabre ist designed to blow at an enemy. the curvier the blade the more hacking and lesser stinging.
The Catachan blades are like machetes and are also blowing/hacking.
Psyker’s Duelling Swords are (as their name suggests) more designed after fencing weapons, therefore their more artisitic move pattern.
aside from that:
What would be the idea for a special?
Parry is used by Catachan blades.
Stinging is used by duelling swords, and depending on the blades curve would be atypical.

What, aside from skin, would differentiate it?

So my suggestions (quick’n’dirty):
Light moveset would centre arround “strike downs” (as mentiond before it’s a hacking weapon) from one upper site down to the oposite i’d say and fluently the oposite direction.
Heavy: might be a Vanguard move-set diagonally (perhaps good for weakspots) faster as axes, but less damage?
Special: a jump forward with a straight downward blow - even though this would suite an axe better, but I can hardly come up with something unique innovative.


Not a bad suggestion! I hadn’t really gotten into the nitty gritty of the specifics, I moreso made this thread to discuss those!

After some thought, it could definitely be the heavy Veteran-unique melee weapon, if not the 2-handed Power Sword (which raises some lore questions)

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I believe the mk2 and mk5 duelist swords could both serve as a good base for a vet version. The 5 in particular already has a lot of verticals. The more animations can be reused, the better.
Sound idea to switch the light/heavy patterns.
Most officer sabres will be straight enough for a poke, though, so I wouldn’t see a problem.
It still needs a role, though - I would expect it to be very much like the respective dueling swords, just with minor stat changes to accomodate the additional attack speed and base stats available to a veteran; Potentially a bit slower.
I’d like a flourishing heavy strike that’s basically two light knife attacks strung together in a single attack; I’d feel different.

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That’s… nearly verbatim to my thought process when I got the idea, actually! The Duelling Swords would be too OP for the Vet in their current form, so an Officer’s Sabre (with some benefits and tweaks on top of the lower speed) would be a more welcome addition to the Veteran’s arsenal - Psykers won’t get jealous and Zealots… well, Zealots already have plenty of options at this moment in time!


Great idea, you often see commissar and officers use these:

It could also take a form of a power sword, like the one Ibram Gaunt uses:

The way to differentiate them from the Duelling Swords could be to make them slower, as you suggested. And also maybe to remove the stabbing atttack and instead giving it a heavy downward slash (with Bloodletter or a similar blessing applying a bleed effect).

For the alternate move I’d suggest a parry, it’s a nice one and it’s shame only one weapon has it.

Speak of which, I hope we get a proper Commisar outfit someday…


Those are the Krieg/Commissar cosmetic sets that I’d actually spend my money on :hot_face::hot_face::hot_face:

Edit: Welcome to the community, mate!


Taking a mk5 sword as a base, just adding 0.1s to the attack timings on L1 and H1 and giving it slightly more cleave, but less finesse, would probably be a good baseline.
Of course, something fancy like switching around lights and heavies, adding a double strike, or a new special, would require more work.
They could even take one of the heavy swords as a base and mix and match attacks.
Looking at the scripts for animations, the framework should support that rather easily. (I wish I could find the actual weapon stats with attack timings).
If the veteran one day (maybe end of next year) gets a sabre type with 3 weapons based on one dueling sword, one heavy sword, and one catachan blade, each different but sharing blessings, that’d be a really interesting weapon set.
I’d much prefer if we had more weapons with vastly different strengths and needs within a blessing pool.

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Same :slight_smile:

And thank you!

I have one crazy idea for the Officer Saber: What if buffed team’s speed by 20% for 2 seconds on use (but with a fairly long animation)?

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Hm… I’m not very sure of a buff like that being attached to a weapon. I mean there is an Aura for that at 5% for as long as you stay in coherency, but I don’t personally use it. Survivalist is free ammo, which helps a LOT with my Plasma.

Would probably need a cooldown of sorts. Just felt that it’d fit the “Once more unto the breach” style.

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Yeah, it’d have to have some drawbacks since it’d be very OP, but I’ll let you cook!

i wish we could have something from Vostroya, such as rifles or sabres something close to this, since they’re “imperial-russia-alike”, which used sabre’s for cavalry

actually, could be good to include Tallaran models aswell, since they have some kind of “asian” theme, and lots of asian countries used sabre’s in different forms because of its lightness and ability to fast swing

and it would be interesting to see if they add a smaller version of sabre like we have on new rogue trader’s body cosmetic


also i found an art with interesting suggestion for sabre’s ability…

maybe different sabres could have different abilities, who knows?


That looks like a power sword, would be nice as well.

Another special idea: Switch to windmill slashes, which are slower, but penetrate armour better.


I specifically had Vostroya in mind too :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

S nami Bog!

I’m really starting to dig the idea of a Power Sabre, lads :sob:

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It could work too, just give it a lot of strikedowns.

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Power Sword? Pfft! Nah, more like… URAAAAAAAA!!!

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