I want to see your roleplay builds!
Actually playing a Commissar Veteran with Kantrael MK X Las Pistol and a Catachan MK I Combat Blade.
I want to see your roleplay builds!
Actually playing a Commissar Veteran with Kantrael MK X Las Pistol and a Catachan MK I Combat Blade.
What does this have to do with gameplay feedback? What Feedback are you giving?
Maybe a mod could move it to general? Or OP could repost there?
was a mistake, i moved it to general.
Idk much about w40k, but I do love roleplaying! This probably comes closest to qualifying:
It’s a simple CC build that uses a dmg focused Surge for single targets and to proc those crits for Perfect Timing, and covers the Surge’s weakness in AoE with EP Smite & Vent’s Soulblaze to burn bigger groups.
Thematically ofc it’s all about that lightning and using a ton of blitzes, ults and the staff each constantly showing off those pretty sith lor- … I mean psyker powers. Plus I really like those white robes we got on the store 2 weeks ago!
This thread is a splendid idea! I may have a little hyperfocus on the Death Korps right now so I made several DKoK related builds with my “Professional” Veteran.
I’ll start with my most played one and maybe add more later:
DKoK Rifleman
Lore considerations:
Mainly a sharpshooter build as the ordinary rifleman is primarily a walking lasgun, neither a leader nor a commando.
The better healing skill to reflect the death korps tenaciousness - on the tabletop they are harder to kill then other guardsman options.
Improved frag grenades as they befit the WWI theme of the Korps - after all handgrenades are the riflemans personal artillery.
Lucius because Lucius.
Knife because the novels and short stories describe DKoK melee mainly with Bayonet and knives - the shovel thing is mainly an internet meme (I use it in a trench raider build instead of the non-existing trench club though)
Gameplay considerations:
Idea is to keep the Helbore out as long as possible and kick in exe stance once larger ranged formations of enemies appear. Only change to knife if pushing is required or of fast relocation is required. Freely use improved Frags on hordes - keep one for emergencies. The blessings on theknife synergize well with the bleeding of the frag.
Catachan Devil, specializing in stealth (rescue and objectives), disruption and assassinating high priority targets at close range.
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