I dunno why i really should talk about it, looks like you don’t give a sh*t about players with 1,000+ Hours.
But can we get reward for ONE MILLION Heretics? (1.000.000) - just something… (special badge / outfit / special tag - ? No? Why not? Is it hard for you?
They don’t care about players that have kept their game afloat while they take 20 vacations a year. They don’t care about the people constantly barraging them with fixes/issues involving the game. They don’t care that their servers and sound cues are basically completely broken at this point. They do care about releasing terrible cosmetics in a timely manner though.
It’s not just the Heretics killed penance, where we “old players” got screwed over. All mission penances got halfed as well: Before Path to Redemption and Hestia (how I hate her for this) you had to complete 250 missions to unlock the portrait frame. Since I only played Damnation/Auric, something that even took me a little longer for the only repair mission in the game.
And those were just the latest examples of this weird catering to people, who seem to feel entitled to their useless crappy “achievements”.
Well, but who gives a crap, right?
If you do, people will just call you egotistical, elitist or whatever in this community.
I somtimes might still miss some Darktide with buddies. But since they moved on from this game a long time ago, at least nowadays I am not bothering them anymore with some purging and moved on, as they did.
There are others cool games, where your dedication as a player feels appreciated.