Returned again with some questions

Played Zealot only after returning and tried Schock Maul + Bolter Pistol
Not bad, but i’m not sure i’m rusted or that the weapons i have dont perform that well.
Maybe both is the case :smiley:

Also consecrated an Ironhelm Shotgun, does the weapon skin in the shop not apply to it?

i’d buy it maybe

The Bolter Pistol is very inaccurate, the 2 shot Hacker Shotgun i have to try more.
Any tips?

The Schockmaul heavy light combo is neat, but i’m not sure it does that good like an old Tigrus MKII or an Antax MK V, but i like the ability to electrocute Ragers, Maulers and even Bullwarks etc.

No. New shotgun is in a different family. New shotgun is an “assault” shotgun. They also don’t share blessings.

Other than waiting for the weapon to reset in-between shots? Not really. Deadshot can help a bit if vet. Crosshair remap mod also helps because it shows the real direction of your aim during the recoil (you’ll discover the iron sights lie to you). Other than that most people have been treating it as a close range quick draw weapon. Pull out the gun for a few shots at some target you can’t get to then return to meleeing.

that what the hacker shotgun is best at with Emperors Bullet and Sainted Gunslinger for Shouty imho.

With bolt pistol you need to be patient, and don’t shoot too quickly after aiming. On zealot I usually don’t aim down the sights, and shoot “from the hip”, it’s fairly accurate this way, just don’t shoot too quickly. I would use it to mainly kill specials and lighter elites (non-Crushers). Puncture blessing is good on it as bleed stacks up 16 stacks, which you can refresh every few seconds if you are trying to focus a boss for example. The second blessing is a matter of personal preference, but Run & Gun or Point Blank should work great for a class which is about closing the gap and CQB. Perks, you cannot go wrong with flak and maniac.

using this atm and it’s fun, but looking for Manstopper for it to replace Speedload
and went back to my Antax V for now.

I lucked out and bought a blue from the shop with ManStopper on it few days after the patch :grin:

Manstopper only comes as a L2 blessing. The most reliable way to get it is to level up a character until it unlocks, then spam buy/upgrade them from vendors until you get it.


I cannot get it without leveling another char?
I wont do that, maybe there is other ways after crafting rework.

another question, is Brutal Momentum still a thing?
I have BM IV and not sure i should bless my Axe with it and what to lose?

You can still get it on a max level character, but because higher level characters are weighted to get higher ratings, it’s exceedingly rare to roll a T2 blessing.

Yes, BM is the still one of the best cleave blessings in the game. It’s still BM+Headtaker/Deci C-axes.

You can, it’s just exceedingly unlikely for it to appear on a weapon spawned for a L30 character.

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