Reporting Players

I didn’t lie I was paraphrasing. Go back and read your posts. You contributed nothing to the conversation. All you did was argue with OP and circumvent the actual discussion. He wanted a way to report someone ingame because reporting on steam is ineffective. You then went on with several posts basically telling op to just mute them or report on steam and then move on. Also you never mentioned LoL 9 report system.

Are you serious? If slurs have no consequences then why can you go to prison for hate speech? Calling someone slurs on the internet does have consequences. It ruins peoples moods and even though people should move on, thats the victims prerogative and is no excuse for the offender. Even if they have thick skin and they mute you, they will now be angry instead of enjoying the game like they thought they were going to when they joined the match. And youre damn right, being banned has consequences, thats the whole point in having a ban system. And again, having the option to simply blacklist a player has no consequences for that player, it just means you won’t get put into a match with them.

Whats your point? OP didn’t say it happened in several games with several people, he said it happened once with one group of people. Whether its rampant or not doesn’t have any bearing on the matter. Whats your argument? You haven’t been offended and because of that actual trolls and flamers shouldn’t be punished or be able to be avoided?


You maybe do, i dont.
Very few languages in the world actually have a translation for hate speech that doesnt involve definiton, its a term from english newspeak that doesnt even involve racism, sexism or any other ism…

But lets bring “ruined mood” to its logical conclusion, someone reporting me ruins my mood, should you be banned? getting wipe ruins my mood? ban? Low lvl joining champion+ ruins my mood. Funspawn ruined my mood, fatshark you better delete it and only spawn stormfiends from now on…

Mere fact that i need to explain how insane that idea is ruining my mood…

Your ruined mood versus somebody unjustified ban. Oh mate, ill do everything to make sure that 10 guilty go free just so 1 innocent wont be punished.

Ill also answer for god3nder, play nice and dont do anything that might cause your team to wipe, nobody ever got a problem with that.
But if you play badly, bring sh***y loadout or low lvl character to high difficulty, its on you, dont act offended when you provoked it.


Because if someone is insulting other once per 1000 games, that means dev can ignore it and work on issues and tasks that really matter. That means, that this post is just crying for attention.

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Ok, first off, we are talking about a report system. Preferably a system that requires multiple reports within a given time frame in order to even become relevant. You are the only one talking about bans. So if I say right here right now that you are very unintelligent and seem to be unable to apply logic to a problem in any relevant way, something which I actually believe is true, it doesn’t matter because you can’t report this post without also being a hypocrite. I’m done responding to you because you are either an idiot, a troll, or most likely both.

Have you read literally anything at all that was said in this entire thread? First off, devs don’t handle reports, mods or customer service do. Second, if you have the ability to blacklist a player literally all that means is you don’t get matched with them again in the future. There is no negative consequence. And several times it has been suggested in this thread that if there is a report system it needs to have limits to it so that it can not be abused. Like needing “x” amount of reports within “y” hours to even be considered. This means if you get 10 reports within a year, absolutely nothing will happen to you. Therefore, there is no negative to adding such a report system, only positives.

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Nope, only OP’s first post, your post also i did end reading at this sentece, too long, didn’t read :slight_smile:

What is the point of report system if not to punish ppl aka ban them…

2nd devs need to hire those ppl, more reports=more ppl to manage them, but luckily theres a way to cut costs so small company like fatshark doesnt have to pay it, its automated bans.

x amount of reports is so easily abusable it might not even exist, ill just spam that button like no tomorrow or instead of hurling insults group is just gonna keep reporting you…

Also no im not gonna report it, im not a hypocrite, ill just ruin my mood while listening to hypocrisy of ppls ruined mood being bannable offense. Im sure someone as intelligent as you knows why this is hypocritical…

Mind you too, entire thread started with exaggerated claims…

There are so many ways to penalize someone. If the problem is they won’t stop insulting people in every game they go into, take away there ability to do so. Simple fix. They can still play just can’t curse you out. You are still the only one here that has said anything about banning anyone.

And its not easily abused because any automated system nowadays doesn’t allow you to report the same person twice. And your group would need to be substantial. In which case, if someone did investigate what happened and saw that the system was abused because you convinced 20 players from your friends list to report one person, congrats now the report system is unnavailable to you and all their accounts. None of that information is difficult to find and none of that is difficult to do.

Last thing i’m going to say before I unfollow this thread is that the thread did not start with exaggerated claims, you’re just lying. OP said someone was using slurs against him, and that OP did not provoke them through voice comms. Then he said he reported them on steam. Thats literally it. His claim was simple and to the point. There isn’t even room in his statements for exaggeration.

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If the problem is they won’t stop insulting people in every game they go into, take away there ability to do so. Simple fix.

Except it didnt happen, theres nothing to fix…thats why i mentioned exaggerated claims

Also, it’s not that it happened multiple times with many people. It happened with a select group of people who were using slurs against me when I never once used chat or vox to reply to it.

1 instance.

Being muted doesnt proclude unjust punishment, not something im willing to handle to automated systems and easy 1 click reports.

Finally muting ppl in coop game where communication is vital? at best itll throw ire of other players for someone who cant communicate… yeah thx, you ruined mood of other ppl… hypocrite…

But i have an idea for limiter that will work, every report that doesnt end with a punishment will have a punishment applied to one who reported, lets start with 24hour bans on public lobbies going up to permament.

Open the floodgates of false reports. Nothing better than a community biased online justice system.

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My point of the post was to say that there were racial slurs against me. Which was screenshotted, and reported. All I was trying to get at is that there should be a way that people are accountable for their actions when it involves racism or sexual harassment in-game.

Most of the people here who have been replying are just replying with “bad people will abuse reports”, or “This never happened to me!”

Well, it happened with evidence against those people. I don’t really know if reporting it even helps because no staff member has replied here or my online ticket.

Also, if you guys don’t have the ability or patience to read, then you shouldn’t be on a forum.

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1 screenshot lacks context
2 devs most likely have logs from chat and possibly voice chat

Exaggerated claims? See, you must be here to antagonize the issue. I cannot upload my screenshots or the steam information about those people who said what they said here, because I would be accused of a Witch Hunt.

I’m asking if there is another way to report the issue to a staff member so that my screenshots or steam information is useful.




But I cannot report the issue that occured IF THERE’S NO WAY TO PROPERLY DO THAT.

Davoodoo you really can’t read. Do you think they will just read my mind and say, “Hey, with my superman powers, I know this one person who had an issue with players using sexual and racist remarks! I can read minds!”


Reported it and asked if itll do something, yes thats my answer, yes itll do.
Your screenshot is not sufficient evidence and devs have their own logs.

YOU mentioned sexual harassment when there was none, that would actually be criminal offense…

My response was what it was because you asked for an easily abusable system while your reasoning for it reeks of exaggeration and vindictiveness.
If claim sounded more plausible then i wouldnt have probolem. If its sexual harassment inform the police, if its something menial like slurs just report.

Davoodoo, you’re really not understanding the point.

I say something to the Staff Members of support about what happened. I supply the screenshots and Steam_ID info of each person involved.

They can then take that under advisement, and then check the logs AS YOU SAID.

They used racial slurs of the N phrase many times at me. They repeatedly said F__got throughout the match at me. Which, by the way is a homophobic offense and is under sexual harrassment.

The point is to make them aware that it happened, and the reason I made this post was that I had no reply about the situation via Fatshark Report, meaning I could not give the screenshots of what happened because it was never asked for and the steam_IDS were never taken, which motivated me to make a post asking about alternate ways for me to report these players because it seems that currently THERE IS NO PROPER or SYSTEMATIC way of doing that.

To make this simple,

  1. I have information that can make them “aware” something happened
  2. Even if they take it with a grain of salt, they can still be made aware of it to check it out themselves through logs
  3. There was no responses from the Support team on the issue then or now
  4. If that is the case, how can I report a future issue because there doesn’t seem to be a way to alert Support of in game racist or sexual harrassment
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Hey, they can even ban me if they want. Because if they do take the time to check the logs, I DIDN’T do anything to, or in response of the harassment. Which they would see IF there was a proper way of reporting the harrassment.

And Davoodoo, all you’re doing is doubting what happened, which is fine. You’re entitled to that point of view. But it’s not helpful for you to keep saying that I probably caused it, and that you don’t want a report system.

Your report makes them aware something happened, you have a section describing the issue.

Logs contain ids.

But people are saying that the reports don’t do anything, which is why I made this post to confirm if that is true.

But you decided to instead take the thread to a new level of offtopic and discuss how I was manipulating the situation.

Stop feeding the troll, I already flagged this convo for moderation. Entire thread had been derailed.

And if at some point a mod reads that message where I insulted the troll, I just want to point out that was more just to make a point about report systems than it was to actually insult anyone.

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Sorry, I just don’t really enjoy when people think I’m stupid enough to lie about what happened when the Support mods can look at the logs IF they decide to take action.

Which was the whole point of me asking if they actually DO take action on harrassment.