Remove the Rolling Steel filler "content" from the quick game

And put it in the operations or any other section.


Eh… yeah? It should’ve been in special missions with Zola to begin with, don’t know why it’s not.


I have fun in rolling steel every time unless people are being babies and leaving as the mission doesn’t appear to allow backfilling. I’m fine with it


Last time I had the missfortune of not checking whats in quickplay I just ended up babysitting the mini game 2 times until i was netted midway trough the third and no one cared enough about objectives to even get the net off before we crashed.

Horrible mission as it always has been.


I concur.

Put that garbage in Special Assignments. And if you intend on adding more of this kind of low effort crap?

Keep it away from Quickplay!


I like Rolling Steel, but even if I didn’t I don’t get the “low effort” or “filler” criticism. They developed new tech for the train’s motion effect, added the most interesting mission intro and outro we have in the game, created a new mini-game, have a new captain drop in off of a freaking ship, etc.


Haters smh, I’m happy that it’s available in quickplay. Wish that the karnak twins operation was also available via quickplay on the condition we get an actual mission selection screen as opposed to the current mission board.


I don’t think it’s bad, but it’s sufficiently different from regular missions that it shouldn’t go in quick play, just like the Karnak Twins.




quickplay is quickplay, for the health of the game, in order to help players find and play with eachother, it should pretty much encompass everything.


This summarizes very well what I think.
And I am not a fatshark groupie. I can be really critic against them (and especially when I see all these talents bugged), but let’s remain fair.
This mission is only 10 minutes, sure… but the work behind it is not only 10 minutes.
As I usually say, I want more missions like that! more operations… more limited time missions. And please, put enough of them to propose a board of them and have always the opportunity to play a 10 minutes missions.


In time… i believe we will get more operations and can have a variety of 10mins+ maps for the gamer whos gotta go soon!


Sounds about right. The Sniper in the hallway 3 train cars away knocking down 2 teammates before anyone knows what’s going on is a classic!

A defensive type mission would work well for this.

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I want one like the VT1 Black Powder mission. Seems like gathering a bunch of capsules in a room full of heretics would lend itself well. Have them be shells for a Leeman Russ and have it continuously bombard barricades and advance through until it reaches the heretic stronghold and blows up a bunch of towers and you extract. Idk, toilet thought for you.

If you didn’t gather I love the train mission and would love even more ops.

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Nah, rolling steel is fun, leave it in


Something that definitely takes away from the “short map for players with little time” is the fact that it has the longest intro screen of all maps, and those can’t be skipped.


My impression is that many players still don’t know how to proceed in the mission and often fail because of that. Anyway I think the mission is fun. It’s somthing different and even if you fail you won’t loose too much time.

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I was a little daunted with the time consumption of the mini game at first… but Rolling Steel took me back to the barges in V1, and the 10 min missions you could do in that (bag and barrel packing). I love it!
It can be ruined by suck/leavers or that one guy who won’t move up the cabins or refuses the minigame/carrying capsules when they’re the only ones with opportunity, but that’s just shite luck of the QP draw.
I’d love more operation levels with similar call backs.

Could have one fighting on a large platform elevator, RE2 Tyrant 2 style.
Could have an actual trench line one, where the NPCs are fighting around in the background and you’re literally going over the top to rescue somebody.
Or a crashing ship and you have to get to an escape pod, and on surviving the crash you’re dropped into a boss zone… imagination runs.

RS is one of the coolest maps they have made. Can’t let suck/leavers shadow that fact.


What effect are you referring to?

Animated wheels? The illusion of motion? A new skybox?!

Ooh! Ahh! What a time to be alive!

Intro/outro? Huh? Wha? I couldn’t care any less.

The new mini game they have added to this, yes, LOW EFFORT map is by far the worst.

Well. So far. And it’s further evidence of the consolitis that’s started to invade aspects of the game and i expect it to get worse in the near future. That crap mini game was clearly build for analog sticks and certainly not for keyboards.

As for the boss fight? It’s just more of the same crap. Deplete enemy shield, shield goes down, do damage to HP, rinse and repeat while occasionally baby sitting the many challenged individuals polluting this game since they have a habit of getting knocked back on said garbage map.

He jumped out of a flying ship, you say?

Ahh! Bless your heart!

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It’s my favorite mini game, especially tied to the insane pace of the map.

EDIT: and the rest of your post suggests you don’t realize (or don’t care about) how much work goes into all these details you think are pointless or whatever. But I really enjoy the details.