It’s awful, it doesn’t work properly. It’s not fun.
You know full well your game has a super high crash/disconnect issue and yet you made a mission where 1 player D/C or crashing is game over because of the timer.
At the very least take it out of quickplay. It’s not what anyone wants to do when they hit QP. We want to play the game, not this 10 min crap.
Oh, and the really laughable part was your community post patting yourselves on the back for making this thing. It’s literally just square rooms with looping stuff moving down the sides. The ‘train’ has no impact on the gameplay of the level. It’s just the most boring possible level design with a thin veil of motion. And I mean really thin, like you can tell right away it’s just faked.
Months and months of waiting for this. A level no one wants to play and is universally despised.
Guess ya’ll better take a 3 month vacation now, job well done.
I’ve crashed more times on others maps that isnt rolling steel (surprisingly havent crashed on it yet), and everyone is running rolling steel at least 3 times per sitting. If it “didnt work properly”, why do people keep running it.
Why hate on a good map? Just because players are shaky on it currently doesnt mean its a bad map. People gotta acclimate. (Though the rewards make it kinda useless to run, it’s just an adrenaline activator.)
It’s a freight train dude. Did you expect to find a decadent first class carriage?
What does this even mean. Are you mad that the train isnt actually moving or something?
Funny thing is we didnt wait for this at all, we waited for the lock removal, but this was straight up gifted to us ; n you just spat back in the faces of FS devs. I’m not saying to suck their roosters and lick their ass, but give credit where it’s due.
Bro stop gassing yourself up.
As they should. There were a ton of people who loved the part of maps where you need to fight through a horde to extract, and they built upon it (thank you for listening FS). Many people love the gamemode (but hate the players playing it) and even though it’s far from perfect, with many people suggesting it should be a mid/end event instead, its even further from being a bad map/mode.
The design promotes sweaty gameplay. Blame the scrubs that arent sweats but want to play it anyway.
Massive respect to the people who play in Malice/Heresy. They definitely dont get enough credit for practicing.
“Remember all of the complaints about speed running assholes that keep rushing through our corridors/levels? Lets just use one corridor for our next “level” and also add a timer to it. Eureka!”
All that’s missing is an NPC that we need to escort all the way to the end.
They need to remove this awful crap entirely from Quickplay.
The mission needs a couple tweaks. It needs some way to recover if you’ve fallen behind so you’re not sitting there halfway through and already certain you’ve failed, and a rejiggered mini-game that’s not quite so awkward (especially as it seems particularly tuned to a gamepad vs mouse/keyboard).
My only issue on this map is my teammates constantly dying and not doing the objectives thus running out of time (which is okay, play for the objectives or suffer the consequences), didn’t experience a single crash yet.
It would make the purpose of the timer useless. Plus, detaching a car would be useless because theres still a bomb on the very front of the train. It would only lessen damage, not time. IF ANYTHING, applying breaks and detaching a car would make the cars at the front faster with the reduced weight, increasing speed and lessening time. If you dont detach the cars, then some heretic can disengage the breaks making that effort useless.
Let me add +1 to Hate This Mission. Really nice cinematics, nice to see some of the mechanics, hate the auspex, and really hate timed missions. I’ve played this mission twice - one on purpose and one taking a gamble on Quickplay. Never again. FS, please take this mission out of heavy rotation.
I can see an issue with this being in Quickplay for some people, but personally I think the map is great. Simple and difficult, but short enough you don’t feel like you waste much time for losing. I just wish the explosion for failing the mission was a bit more dramatic.
I really like having a short mission available to play when waiting for a friend or just when I don’t have a lot of time. If we had an update with 2-4 more added along with a separate queue for them, I think it would be a really nice little improvement to the game.