Reload speed after sliding?

Why is sliding necessary at all for this?

a) make it so you can reload while sprinting
b) make it activate on next reload and last for the entire duration of the reload
c) just get rid of the sliding part of it. It’s pointless and doesn’t synergize with any gameplay system.
It’s just a thing you do for some reason to activate the buff, which is half over by the time you even start reloading. This one really needs a rework.


Yeah Darktide’s Blessings are all over the place. So many are real headscratchers. They are not fun or effective.

I wish it was like Destiny 2’s Slideshot.

Upon Sliding:
• Refills 15% of the Magazine
• 20 Range and 30 Stability for 3 seconds or until firing

Even though Destiny’s Slideshot has a cooldown, it’s a high rated perk because sliding to partially reload is actually really fun and effective. Imagine doing a slide dodge with it.

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Sounds like herecy.
Because there is no cooldown for blessings, sliding with Boltgun, revolver or shotgun will make movement patterns ridicoulous.

I agree… and had written about it by the past…

I don’t see why the sliding part of the blessing

IMO nearly all of the blessings need a complete rework. We have grossly overpowered stuff like pinning fire giving +100% power (!?!?!?), and then the quick reload perk provides a small reload speed boost but only for short periods of time and only after sliding. They’re not even pretending to be comparable in strength.


pinning fire t4 + blaze away t3 blessings on shredder are hilarious. combine that with good stat weapon and you have unbeatable lawnmower.

if on vet, u get extra dmg from ult, and with fast reload feat on elite kill you pretty much swap magazines instantly, hence ult does not go away even if you have horrible aim.

no to mention that you actually get net positive ammo when hunting grounds dogs are out (each dog kill gives u ammo on vet)

thats so overpowered that any other combination of weapons seems like broken

Shredder just rolling in ammo is hillarioius, and meanwhile a plasma gun can’t even replenish a single “bullet” per elite kill. Just 2/3 of a bullet.

You’re correct on this… Shredder looks amazing with these blessings… but garbage without pinning fire.
And you’re correct that blessings need balance. There are few that are a must… others are really bad.
That’s the reason I opened the thread I have put the link…

The blessing should give a reload bonus without the need to slide… or it is an useless blessing

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What are you talking about?
Boltgun and shotguns do not even have access to this blessing.


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