Recently played with a friend (new to vtide) who pointed out that enemies frequently clip into each other resulting in an amorphous stabby blob. I’ve been playing for so long that I stopped noticing how common it is for enemies to become russian nesting dolls.
Now i can’t unsee it lol. Everywhere I look I see immersion-breaking, cronenburg enemies.
Shot in the dark but I figured I’d ask. Does anyone know fatshark’s position on this long-standing bug/feature?
As far as I know it’s one of those “it’s not a bug, it’s a feature!” things. I can bring it up to the team, but I suspect it might require a pretty hefty overhaul for how our enemy AI paths and how the slot system functions.
Thanks for the quick response!
I kinda figured that was the case. It is most noticeable with CWs and Marauders. A “bump” function similar to the players or a collision check before attacks to check for clipping might go a long way to preventing the attack rototiller.
I do enjoy hyper density most of the time even if my immersion is broken a bit.
I appreciate the clarification. Have a great weekend!
This is just how the battle system works. Enemies seek out a target, then surround it and move onto “clusters” or “gathering points” from which they attack. The more enemies approach, the more they spread around until they form a full circle around you.
This is why positioning and Horde clear is extremely important.
In earlier iterations of this game this behavior was less obvious, just better masked. With added difficulty increases and more spawns it became more obvious.
VT1 and DT both work in much the same way, but VT didn’t have the massive volume of enemies VT2 brings to the table and in DT you got a mostly even split between ranged and melee enemies, so it isn’t as noticable there as it is here, either.
Since it’s deeply baked into the combat system and enemy behavior, it will not be changed, especially not late into VT2’s lifecycle. Think of it as an engine feature. To have the combat work different, they’d have to build the game from the ground up again.
You misunderstood. As stated above the question was regarding enemies clipping into each other. The slot system is serviceable and I have no issue with it. I asked if the collision between enemies could be ironed out.
Games that have high numbers of npcs often have performance issues due to the number of bones in the skeletal mesh of the characters, the pathfinding for all the units, and the amount of collision checks for agents being preformed per tick.
To save on performance my guess is that fatshark only utilizes collision between players and enemies. Rather than use collision between enemies, fatshark may use something like rvo to have npcs navigate in such a way that they never directly intersect. So with npcs not having true collision between them, high traffic in narrow areas can cause them to overlap (clip inside each other).
A good example of this is the pack master. He has no true collision enabled between him and other npcs. He also has no apparent navigation requirement either which enables him to walk directly through enemies.
From a programming perspective, its a fun problem. I wonder if dynamically enabling collision only on enemies in the closest slots would be too taxing on performance.
The game is late in its life cycle I wouldnt expect anything to come of my post. I was just curious about what FS’s thoughts on this were, nothing more.