Refund for unintended store purchase

Issue Description:
My store interface displayed a price of 0 Aquilas for the Sargeant Chan “Flyby” Zorin veteran cosmetic set (see screenshot below).

Apparently, this incorrect display was caused by the “dark cache” mod (see warning message on screenshot below).
Since mods cause messages to pop up quite frequently (so i do not pay a lot of attention to them anymore), i only noticed the warning message after purchasing the cosmetic bundle, thinking it would be free.
Turns out, it actually cost me 2000 aquilas.

I would like to refund the set, because i did not mean to spend any currency on it.
I already owned the rifle skin of the set, so i want to keep that one.


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Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
23rd September
10:00 (GMT+2)

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Could you DM me the URL to your Steam profile, please? :slight_smile: