Issue Type (Required):
Issue Description (Required):
So I guess there is an issue that is going on with the aquila store currently that marks cosmetic sets you have a piece of down to 0 aquilas.
I thought that you guys were having a sale as it was a coincidence to me that all 3 of the same set were on sale haha. I guess that was silly.
Can I get a refund on
A) Zealot
- Scroll Keeper’s Headsman Hood
B) Psyker
- Melchior Pattern Psykhana Collar
- Dominus MK XXI Psyker Regalia
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
No, I don’t use mods
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Platform (Required):
Steam (PC)
Player ID (Optional):
manasloth or Steam Community :: Sloth