Red items (or Archeotech Relics)

Naw man, you aren’t getting it. It is a different kind of RNG, a better kind. A kind where you essentially still have the old system then you have this other bonus system with it where when it happens you will get an objectively good item that may only need a little tinkering in crafting to make better.

Look at the rates I am proposing, those rates are set to have people getting a decent kit of red together in a couple dozen to hundreds of hours depending on the difficulty you choose to grind out.

Like I have said previously, people just want to kill things.

But you know what, you are right, there should be a way to combat bad RNG. How about there be a weekly red available for ingots. Don’t know a good cost, let’s say 10k for now. That is about 2 weeks of doing weekly tasks which for the average player is probably about 20-30 hours tops over 4 characters (don’t know anyone that runs a 5th character but that would speed it up).

well its sampling with replacement, so the amount of time you need to complete it is ever increasing and highly luck dependent, if you take 300h to complete half, the other half is going to take significantly longer than the first since there is no duplication protection, hence a nonlinear acquiring function
the closer you are to finishing your set the luckier you need to be to finish it, hence why it took many people including me near 1k hours to finish a a full set of reds.

Fair enough but there’s a very simple solution to that. Weighted bad luck protection. Having a certain type of weapon as a red already should increase the chances of other reds dropping. You can escalate that chance by the amount of duplicates.

I believe destiny at one point had a similar thing for exotic raid drops, wher each completion of the raid increased the dropchance by 5%.

There are literally hundreds of ways to make a fair system we could talk about. But then again all of this is a giant waste of time anyway since obese fish doesn’t give a f about anything but their bottom line ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Like I said, the percent chances are just suggestions. I don’t think making it a static “do this many” is a good idea unless…

Counter counter offer:

Maybe in a similar vein add in class specific penances that reward a specific, static red (one for each class-specific weapon) that has 80 damage and 70 in all the others (so they won’t ever be the best but are still objectively good rolls). that way you have the RNG at the end of a run AND a specific tenable goal to work towards. No clue what the challenges should entail but what are the thoughts on that?

I’m not advocating for static rolls either. I was merely saying ‘roughly’ as in statistically. I’m just messing with you about the chances.

If there was a sytem like this in place I’d want it to be more rewarding on the highest difficulties. Nothing else honestly.

On the matter of weapon penances. I want weapon penances for dope skins since the closed beta.

Imagine a rumbler skin with “bonkmaster” written on it you can unlock by headshotting two crushers with the same rumbler projectile


i’m actually surprised there aren’t red/exotic, or, “relic”, weapons already. having unique weapons with unique looks, like destiny’s and the division 2’s exotics would be great.

2 normal blessing spots with the additional 3rd blessing being a unique blessing that only that weapon has; like a thunder hammer that has an aoe explosion on charged hits.

give dh’s a small chance to drop one or something.

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Personally, what I would want from red items (as options)

A.) Only max base modifier (whether that’s 380 or something else, seems like a place holder)
B.) No locks on perks and blessings
C.) Modifiable modifiers
D.) If “80%” isn’t the max it should be allowed to go above this. If option C is used in conjunction with this potentially create it so that modifiers going above 80% cost double in terms of points so you have more interesting choices than everyone choosing 100% damage.
E.) Only Tier 4 perks and blessings can exist on them.

^Any mixes of these would be good. Some better than others.


A.) Penances. Completing X number of missions, X number of kills, and/or other things to unlock them would be good.
B.) Upgrade with rare resources.
C.) Upgrade with a very large investment of plastic and diamonds
D.) Rare Emperors gift drop* potentially from grims and/or tomes but I think secondaries need to be reworked.
E.) Have an equivalent of “red dust” so you can break down red items for others.
F.) Unlock all blessings for a weapon allows you to get it’s red variant (unlock a higher tier blessing should unlock the lower tiers)

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I’d prefer if red weapons were kind of like uniques similar to the devision 2. Where the weapons have unique abilities or accessories but you got to obtain them through missions or craft them by collecting parts. Just a beefed up Gold item is lazy and not worth grinding over or chasing.

A third perk/blessing, maybe. Not sure how they’d work.

People forget that red items in VT 2 were a cosmetic and QoL thing, the base stats of the weapon were no different to the orange version of that weapon, only that rolled properties were always max value and a shiny skin if it was a drop, not crafted.

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I do miss the cool weapon skins


Over 80 is not healthy for the game. Even all 80 isn’t healthy since that is currently not even possible with 380 being the max base value. That would effectively invalidate anything less than red.

I firmly standby them not making them craftable. I don’t want another resource nor do I want a missive resource sink.

The unlocking of blessings is a separate issue and as stated the two normal blessings and the 2 normal perks would be max value of whatever they end up on.

I would like the drop rate to be such that a “red dust” is not needed BUT I do think perhaps you should be able to turn in the reds to Hadron to unlock the unique blessings to be able to swap around them on your reds. That would be a decent compromise.

They were objectively better because of that max roll property. That isn’t actually possible nor healthy in this game since 380 is not 5 80s. Maybe the damage is fixed to 80 and the remaining points are randomly distributed starting from 70 is a fair compromise.

The perks it spawns with would be max as would the blessing ranks but there is no re-rolling now so that property is unnecessary.

If you want a cosmetic then they could easily just make it like they eventually did in VT2 where just picking up the red unlocked the skin (instead of having to break it down first). But if you for whatever reason like that aspect it could be an added bonus for turning it in to Hadron like I told brosgw about maybe earning the unique blessing so you would get the blessing and the skin as a cosmetic option.

That is probably a bit too powerful but yes, something the weapon doesn’t normally do.

An example would be a red power sword that also gains a flame aspect when energized so it applies a few burn stacks on special hit.

Chain weapons gaining a bleed on heavy hit or DR while in the sawing animation.

TH could be uninterruptable while energized or ignore goaners and poxwalkers.

Las gun could have perfect efficiency so they don’t consume more ammo on continuous fire.

Those sorts of things. Things that make them better but not overpowered.

Hate to say it to you, but they’re probably going to have some way to have it go over 80. Otherwise the real cap would have already been 100. They could have maintained the same values and make 80 the new 100. Maybe they’ll rebalance things but I would put my money on some ways to get modifiers over 80.

Eh they have given no indication of such. It is a percent thing. I use the mod that removes the extra 20% that can literally never happen. Makes it far easier to tell at a glance if I rolled a winner lol.

If they do plan on over 80 they would need to introduce something harder since a 100% damage anything would devastate anything. I mean a 100% plasma or TH? Yeah say goodbye to balance. That is what I mean by it isn’t healthy so I am staying away from suggesting it to FS.

It was a mistake capping it at 80% anyway.


Hard agree, but I do not want them rebalancing for 100% so while I do not like it, I’ll be happy with 80% remaining the same. maybe if it wasn’t FS making the product I would trust them to rebalance for 100. But since they take a long vacation what feels like every 3 months… yeah the odds of them releasing a rebalance for 100, breaking everything only to go on holiday is way too high for me to ask for that.

Like I said, I use a mod that makes it look visually like 100 on the bar when it is at 80 and that is good enough for me.

Maybe they could just change 80 to 100 (actual mechanical values remain unchanged) and pretend it never happened lol.

It’s not even the bars, the detailed view will still show 80 (0-100) which is also part of the problem.


Sure, what I am saying is maybe they could just you know… get rid of the 100 since it doesn’t exist even in the data mine leaks.