RE: Grail knight

Bring a shield, strongest melee cc you can get.

cc first and/or dodge; ideally with a shield (see above).

Kinda agree mostly because I prefere Empire S&S’s attack pattern over anything else. Shield bash on first heavy will always be superior to B S&S where it’s ‘late’ in the chain. I have seen people using B S&S to great success, though, so I think this is mainly about personal preference.

Longsword is one of Kruber’s best weapons, however, considering its versatility and reliability.

GK is actually tanky. Not because of inherent damage reduction but by having insane tHP sustain. Conceptually, he’s working a lot like Zealot. I almost never feel the need to heal green HP because sustaining white is so easy. Virtue of Stoicism is an amazing talent even though it’s been poorly implemented since day 1.

10 or 15% base movement speed and movetech from weapons: Mace&Sword or S&S significantly increase your effective ms all around. You’ll be cruising like a Slayer, just learn it. 4Head

In the end, avoiding specials comes down to individual play. Having a team to fall back on is nice but I try to play as if I was solo when it comes to dealing with specials.
You can’t take out a Blightstormer in the far distance (just like Slayer) but they’re no danger for you either. Gunners and Flamers are canceled by a shield, anything else can be dodged and killed in melee range.