Great news to hear that blessings are getting a rework as most are outdated, a change to current range combat would be really welcoming.
Ranged gameplay slowly became dull over multiple patches and existing underlaying issues, its not fun as it was before.
- Burst DPS Weapons > Continuous DPS Weapons
Burst DPS Weapons deals with every type of target, Carapace, Ranged specialist , Melee elite, Armored wave lineup, also that such weapons penetrate friendly players, allowing always non wasted shot. - inconsistent Cover
Cover in DT works if its full cover that blocks complete LoS, other than that they can target you, some situations even from between stair steps, or windows shades. - Suppressing Fire Consistency
Some weapons are decent in suppression fire, while other does not do any suppression at all, although are able to yield very high volume of fire, even when suppressing fire nodes are selected. - Suppressing Fire Lacks Gradual Buildup
Targets either shot back at you with perfect accuracy or cower behind cover, no actual loss of accuracy over suppresive modifier. (can be tested with debuff mod) - Sliding is best cover
Firing from short cover was a useable tactic before all the changes over the updates , now even in cover toughness breaks super fast, while behind cover, you need to keep spamming slides which basically covers your LoS but still the heretics can shot at you, best way is to rush and force ranged units into melee. - Unaligned Blessings to Weapons
One of the examples, Agripinaa Mk I Infantry Autogun got assigned buffs to controlled short bursts, while nerfs to rushing with it , yet all of its blessing are close range kill, except 2 blessings that work on 3rd & 4th shots, which is out of the recoil envelope of short bursts.
Poxbomber One Way Smoke
Ranged AI can see behind pox smoke as it dont exists, similar to early game release with low visibility (fog) maps. -
Highly Inconsistent Recoil Pattern
Every time you shot new pattern generates and the RNG Values are too high, recoil pattern RNG is seen mostly in competitive games or tactical shooters, while here its implemented too intense even harder than CS 2.
DT is one of the few games with well designed ranged weapons, in terms of sounds and the feelings of firing a gun, gives you a a real atmosphere that you are firing a gun. While sadly, its not enjoyable anymore with many ranged combat wacky mechanics and multiple overlapping nerfs to ranged combat.