Ranged Gameplay Needs Rework

Of all the things to get hung up on, recoil patterns are the weirdest I’ve seen so far. DT isn’t a competitive first-person shooter. You aren’t actively fighting other players, and certainly not to the tactical extent that CS, R6S, or Apex offer. Darktide is a lot more of a hack-n-slash game than it seems on the surface, and the shooting is satisfying too - but I never saw an issue with a lack of consistent recoil patterns. More often than not, consistent recoil is the exception, not the rule.

Most of my solutions to recoil involve pulling the mouse down so all of my shots hit the bad guy and waiting until he dies. Works 99% of the time. You don’t need 100% mastery over a weapon’s pattern to succeed in high level gameplay, especially with how many of the damn things exist in this game.


Must say the same. However, at contrary of OP, I think this is more realistic and pretty cool.
For one time they used the RNG in a fun way! lol

How about we add RNG in combos of melee, they wont swing at exact same angle? and keep changing, missing up weakspots. makes the experience frustrating and not fun.

We can keep it but reduce it, as even when compared to Competitive games , as Titanfall 2, CS 2 , its way to worse in DT, as @CobaltNinja its not a competitive game anyway why keep it?

always the RNG against the player, want to smack the weapon sometimes.

Try hitting a melon with a swing of a baseballbat or at 50m with the sixth shot of a full auto salvo of a high calibre rifle.
Which will be more consistent to reproduce?



i think the biggest needed change and the core reason the games got a serious difficulty issue.
Ammo these ranged weapons were designed around being a limited use resource , but its common in the actual game to see people just use ranged the whole way through , but the guns never got balanced against this increased uptime.

specials and elites cant do anything because they just get shot instantly. you need to push the game past boundaries it works well with to throw enough enemies at the team to get past the ranged weapon tax.

Ah yes the imperium of Baseball bats :sweat_smile:
Rannick going to have a word with hadron it seems.

Even with the swing, you will see the ball lands on different spot, never lands on exact spot. which adds immersion there fore we need the immersion :smirk:

We didnt ask for 0 Recoil, we asked for stopping of unnecessary randomity in Recoil Pattern.

Stick, sword, pipe, crow bar, shovel, umbrella or something else you can swing

I chose my picture because a melon is slightly head sized → as big as weak spot in game. Thus hitting a melon roughly equals hitting a weak spot. I never talked about a baseball or it’s landing spot.

Who is we?
You want predictable straight upward recoil patterns that would allow by a simple mouse downward movement to precisely place the following shots during continuous firing.

As this is not realistic with large calibre weapons and thus it would break immersion for me.

Precision is more relevant at distance than in closest range → a comparable system is not needed for melee weapons. Try shooting at melee range and you’ll notice that the random recoil pattern is less bothersome as well.

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Almost no weapon is Vertical recoil only, more of Vertical + Horizontal , while Vertical easier to mitigate. Also I said I want static Recoil as nearly all Shooter games, but if we want RNG its okay i said, but keep the coefficient acceptable as its worse than Competitive shooter with RNG coefficient, why even make it worse while its PvE game?

the game is far from realistic when we dodge nukes by slide with knives , dont see why apply it to such weapons, knives penetrate carapace armor better than two handed weapons etc. , also not sure if anyone confirmed that RNG Recoil Coefficient is Realistic.

Totally agree, Less Bothersome Yes, but if you closing in to ranged enemies which their animation is aiming down and shot its better, but not melee dreg or even rager with bouncy weakspot hitbox and with horizontal sudden kicks its bothersome.

Never forget what the Angry Marines gave us.

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anyone know why they nerfed the gunners again after update? it lasted only 2-3 days? i played the first matches after update and it was fine.

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Because crying

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