Quality of Life options and sliders like vermintide 2

would love to see some QoL prioritization like in the previous tide game. for example like some sliders and switches to toggle screen affects like blood screen affects, toughness glass breaking visuals, the really disorienting FoV changes like when u sprint, the severity of psyker high peril noises and TURNING DOWN of game sounds like disablers. im sure more ppl can chime in but would be nice if we have control of our game in that manner. we dont have control of much in this game, that would be a good start.

i cant stress enough as a psyker main how bad it is to be playing efficiently at high peril. the noise is bad. to some of you devs and ppl in charge, u jus test this and experience it for a short period of time. us gamers some of us are experiencing this for 8 hrs or more in one day. its bad


Also some FX seem completely ignored by current FX sliders. Like the activation/hit sound with Power Maul/Crusher, they hurt my ears.

I just want less visual clutter in the game, it can be pretty obnoxious at times.



Agreed. The “Max Peril” sound effect blasts out my ears unless I turn down the volume on everything a ton. All it would take is an “advanced” menu in the Audio options.

Agreed there was a mod for reduced visual effects in v2 Neuter Ult Effects
where u could switch off sounds / effects depending on which character… UI tweaks (for feats/ability icons) so players can see what blessings/abilitys are active and Custom crosshairs might fly in the face of fatsharks move from CoD style games but the crosshairs should be swappable… QoL things that FatShark started introducing too late in V2 should be at the forefront of there fixes…