Please allow us to disable peril visual and sound effect and blood splatter on the HUD

playing pskyer on higher difficulties where you constantly juggle medium and high peril with both the visual peril effects and sound effects becomes incredibly irritating. Same with the blood splatter on the HUD although compared to Vermintide 2 it’s much less noticeable here.

It greatly diminishes the game’s visual and audio design, just watch a psyker gameplay video and ogryn gameplay video and you’ll immediately see how the pskyer’s gameplay looks bad because of it, one friend switched classes because of it.

Enemy and special audio and visual cues are still audible and visible so giving us the option to turn off peril sounds wouldn’t confer any real gameplay advantage and would only help with accessibility, would improve the game’s visual and audio quality for some people. VIsual design really suffers in horde combat when the screen is nothing but bluish lines, and dark red dots sprinkling most of the screen