Issue Description:
1st problem. Brain Burst will bug out when you try to charge with the right mouse button. The meters next to the cursor will fill completely and when I go to cast it, the meter just resets instead of brain burst coming out. It will go off however if I hold left click after fully charging B. but it will still reset to about 80-90% charged, then it will refill the 20-10% and then the BB will go off… Most the time.
2nd Problem: there is no benefit to charging brain burst as there is no bonus damage for doing so. I tested this with no perks and with a number of perks that grant bonus damage to warp attacks and enhance ones blitz.
Steps to Reproduce:
In hazard 3 (Malice) I tested on a Crusher the damage. with no perks I always did 900 damage, both charged and non-charged BB with 1265 total powers worth of gear. perks like “Perfect Timing” “Empyrean Empowerment” +Brain Rupture" & “Empowered Psionics” only increase the base damage of BB but doesn’t modify the damage from charging the BB. what does work however on BB are things that reduce peril buildup, abilities that gives something extra to BB such as “Perilous Combustion” triggering BB via “Kinetic Flayer” and such. Basically any ability, passive, or aura that’s supposed to or can modify or relies BB’s damage only enhances the base damage and never effects the supposed charged damage.
Mission Name (If Applicable):
YES… Honestly though it seems to be universal, but I did all my testing in the Pyskhanium.
[Steam/Microsoft Store/Xbox]
I play on steam on a PC, not a Steam Deck.
Player ID:
I don’t feel like giving this info, however I have seen on different forums, and from friends I play with, that they experience the same problem as I.
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
I only discovered this bug a week or more after the class overhaul. I did see on steam forums that others have also noticed, however they only noticed it, or at least posted after they did by Oct 24th. The time zone I’m in is Pacific Time (PT).
Reproduction Rate:
Once - Rare (<10%) - Unusual (<25%) - Common (<50%) - Often (<75%) - Constant (100%)
Constant (100%)
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[Instructions: How To Provide a Crash Report, Console Log, or darktide_launcher.log]