I think psyker class the defence must be increased on this class and as is " mage" it should make deal much more damage than is it , im play with this class and i remember i did got a hit from back and almost my half health gone, in other classes that not happen especially zealot is a bit over play by population as im seeing less psykers. It must be balanced!
Psyker is broken strong.
Youre terrible.
i dont think
youre rude.
Im trying to be hip and go with the times.
In all seriousness, play psyker at highest difficulty and then play zealot / ogryn at highest difficulty.
Then come back and tell me psyker is somehow underpowered.
okay if you see it 100 % balanced… I mean by having staff weapon on its weak type.
Psyker is intended as a high-risk, high-reward class. It has great damage output, but is somewhat vulnerable compared to other classes if you want to consistently make use of his high DPS. I don’t think it really needs much adjustment.
Practice fundamentals like how to survive in hordes without taking damage at all if you want to get the most out of psyker.
Psyker has, as it currently is, the absolute lowest risk in the game.
Thats the hillarious part. Its all reward, 0 risk.
guess im much worse at managing peril then
or my teammates are worse at guarding my ass when im nuking
but tbh psyker is decidedly okay now, just its traits are breaking new ground in the competition for the lowest bar in design
(any further and its gonna be a tripping hazard in hell)
@peril: press (active ability) to lose peril and gain a ton of toughness (with talent) → skilled
gain peril and lose it by reloading to get free toughness on demand - as much as you want → skilled
@guarding: you dont need to, dodging in this game is broken against melee, much easier than in VT, you can legit dodge dance multiple elites in your face while killing them with brain burst at the same time and its not even difficult while putting out a ton of damage.
The feats could definitely use some work. They’re pretty boring, and there’s often a single option in a tier which is obviously better than the other two.
guess im much worse at managing peril then
fyi, your ult can save you after you start exploding
yeah so… heres the thing… im generating SIGNIFICANTLY more peril than i have a chance to quell with the ability… or normal quelling for that matter, which limits my fire rate… obviously, expected mechanic…
as for guarding… see, when multiple enemies with a bunch of trash mobs spawn RIGHT BEHIND YOU, on the stairwell you just walked through 2 seconds ago… youre getting hit, because the first sound you hear is the toughness bar going to zero
serious question: are you using the right click to charge?
Dont do that, its way slower and generates way more peril.
Use left click to lock on while “aiming” (KEKW). and then stare at a wall or spin around for fun and wait for them to explode → less peril and faster charge
only when i need to
nah man, im actually using staves, believe it or not
Psyker could use some refinement (looking at you, 2/3 of the talent trees) but it’s in a better spot than a few weeks ago I think. It is, however, more fundamentally dependent on the team not abandoning you to go chase an empty corridor than others.
Pysker is feeling pretty good in the mid-game though the talents and brain burst/warp charge synergy needs to be looked at again imo.
Psyker is the best character for dealing with heavy armored enemies(carapace armor) because brain burst and the force sword’s special both ignore armor.
Survivability is a mixed bag, psyker is very safe against any single big scary enemy bc of his cc, but hordes give him a little more trouble because 1 trash mob behind you while you are brain bursting or quelling or using the force sword special will cause more damage than it should.
Or you can play veteran and have twice the toughness and more damage than psyker.
Psyker is really bad right now especially on higher difficulty. Not only is vet tankier he also does gobs of damage and has great uptime on volley fire.
Psyker needs a buff for brain burst and reworked feats to not center around brainburst spam.
In my experience psyker immediately stops feeling good the better your allies are. By the time you start casting brain burst a veteran or a zealot with a bolter will just kill your target.
Because you’re not meant to be using brain burst against targets which your team already has a handle on. It does great sustained damage against bosses and anything with carapace armor, and is very useful for picking off snipers/dogs/trappers which are only in line of sight for a brief moment. If you’re using it against a mauler that the rest of your team is already engaging, you’re using it wrong.
That’s totally fine, implying they’re not dealing with other more immediate threats like a horde or a bunch of ranged enemies. Casting brain burst behind cover, at crazy ranges, still has utility they can’t match.