At least the problems with Zealot are a clear mistake, the mechanics are obviously just bugged - either somebody made a typo in the code somewhere or something else is interacting with the Zealot mechanics. The changes to Psyker were deliberate, and it’s so obvious that they were made by people who do not play Psyker and were never tested by people who play Psyker.
i dont think they were playtested properly at all
they tried a “quick fix” to a complicated problem and ended up only incentivizing the opposite of what they say they wanted… while making the class less rewarding to play
Fatshark got a hard slap in the face over Sister of the Thorn in V2. That single class completely changed the power structure of V2 and there was a lot of blow back from the community. So they nerfed her hard and changed the way her talents and powers worked.
The nerfs are Fatshark trying to give Psyker the SoT treatment but instead of changing talents and mechanics to match they simply went in and changed number values and called it a day. I really hope they make changes for the better.
I would have refunded V2 immediately if Sienna was brought out in the same sorry state Psyker is at right now.
And the thing is there wasn’t even any blowback from the community about Psyker.
The only thing, the only thing about Psyker that was at all a problem was the ability to ride 97% peril and spam BB. That was it. Everything else was fine and I didn’t see any complaints about anything else being too powerful.
I would have accepted a targeted nerf to BB; just make it so that you can’t safely cast it at high heat, or give it a short cooldown or something. Napalming the entire class with nerfs and making it functionally useless just seems incredibly uncalled for and random.
Okay, I was wondering if it was just me, but the psyker feels SUPER weak. I have b een trying to play with the force sword and force staff, but… Like it feels the most effective weapon combination is literally anything that does not touch peril, and then just head explosions, and head explosions are… situational at best. Kindof having serious regrets preordering this now.
Speaking as someone who almost exclusively played Psyker in the CTB and has played Psyker exclusively so far in the pre-order beta, I’m not sure what the problem is. BB was oppressively powerful in the CTB. If I was paying any attention at all I could stop a vet from ever getting any special or elite kills, never mind a zealot or ogrynn, and that was on top of having high CC and horde clear from force staffs and my special. This is not bragging; I am not very good at shooters, and I was still pulling that off. Now, in the pre-order beta, the vet occasionally gets one elite or special kill for every three I get, perils management is easier thanks to the embedded passive 10% chance of auto-quell on kill, and I have even better CC and horde kill. Also, while 30% toughness regen is in fact lower than 50%, I wanna point out that the old version was 50% on BB kill, whereas the new one is 30% on gaining a Warp Charge. Through early levels BB will be the main way you gain warp charges, but later on you gain access to a bunch of feats that give you alternative options for that. It’s definitely not a flat nerf.
I do think there are still some feats that could do with rebalancing. Agony/soulblaze as an archetype is now actually worth investing in, vs. the CTB where it was complete garbage, but while “apply 2 stacks of soulblaze to all enemies within 3 meters of elite killed by BB” is better than “apply agony to two enemies within four meters,” still at most only catches one or two enemies–and rarely ends up killing them. And yeah, I agree, force swords generating perils on a push is ridiculous. If the push actually did something special I’d understand it, but as is it feels like someone just determined that it ‘should’ because it’s clearly a psyker power of some kind. That’s not really a good enough reason. Hopefully that gets changed. I still think that, overall, the claims that Psyker as a class has been nerfed into the ground aren’t accurate.
A lot of the issues have been remedied as a result of the recent update, which makes peril management much easier. It sounds like you are talking about the post-update psyker.
It also sounds like you’re talking about bad veteran players, because when I am with even a moderately competent team at least half of the elites and specials I target with BB get killed before I can finish casting. The only enemies that psyker is flat-out much better at killing than others with BB are maulers and bulwarks. This was the same in the closed beta.
The ult only quelling half peril is still really annoying though (actively harms all builds except those that require high peril), and peril on FS pushes is completely unacceptable.
Unless “recent update” in this case means within six hours of launch, which would put it before OP created this topic, no, I’m talking about pre-update Psyker. I did notice that active quelling was so slow as to be not worth using, but auto-quelling and quelling via the passive was strong enough that it felt like a complete nonissue.
I’ve found Psyker to be better at killing gunners, bombers, flamers and shotgunners, as well as ogryn enemies, than the vet is in most situations–gunners and reapers especially because you can just duck behind a wall once you start the cast. The only specials I’d say vet is better at are pox hounds and pox bursters, and that’s only if you’re not willing to risk pre-casting BB when you hear them coming. The only time elites and specials get killed before I finish casting is when they’re already under fire when I start casting (and even then it’s a coinflip), or if another psyker is in the party. IDK, though, maybe it really is just that every single vet I’ve been matched with is complete garbage; I guess that’s technically possible.
My issue is that Psyker - in the closed beta - felt one-dimensional because her staffs felt useless, which made constant brainbursting the only viable playstyle. She was lightyears away from being a Sott. Now none of her talents synergize she is still practically reliant on brainbursting only it sucks now and her toughness generation is so abysmall that it feels like playing a glasscanon without the canon portion.
Even after the slight upgrades, psyker is so much worse than in the open beta. the shift from a revolver to the laspistol feels bad, the brain burst seems to have a shorter range and worst targeting, it slips off targets all the time now and just pops chaff instead of your intended target.
Its not just psyker, In open beta I thought this was the best 40k game ever made, in the pre-order beta it feels kinda meh. Its like they decided people were having too much fun and deliberately nerfed progression.
You hit the nail on the head with this, and I think the core issue always comes back to Brain Burst.
The entire class revolves around it, and it’s a very cool concept with really bad execution.
It’s awful to get a target lock on (impossible in most hordes) and it has an extremely long cast time that in the end results in … one dead special and a few others set on fire.
If someone kills your target before you’ve acquired a target and gone through the long cast-time. You’re just stood there with… Peril… And you’ve achieved nothing.
I love your idea of reworking it. Perhaps even halve the cast time of it.
They shouldn’t worry about balance too much, it’s not a PVP game, they can always tweak that in time. What should be the first and foremost priority is to make every class a JOY to play. So what if it’s a bit overpowered? You can tune that down later! Or hell; Have all the classes be a bit overpowered why don’t you!
Even just improving the targeting would go a long way in making Psyker’s core mechanic less frustrating to use. Just make it impossible to target commons if there is an elite or special in a certain radius around your crosshair.
Some kind of refund for having your target killed before you finish would also be nice - not necessarily all of it, but merely refunding half of the peril would make it a lot less annoying to have your BB kills stolen.
Would be nice if the brain burst could prioritise highlighted specials so there would be no snapping between the special and a random nurglite, its happened to me quite a bit now. there’s definitely a way to play Psyker atm proficiently but it isn’t very obvious to most people since the game does such a poor job at giving you good gear and info. But many comments hear have sussed it out, pretty much glass cannon without the cannon, only a few talents make sense to use, force staff and sword combo actually weakens the psyker due to a lack of cleave dmg needed during high intensity engagements when peril is too damn high.
Feels way better after the 1.06 hotfix
Its ok but it still suffers in higher levels and is one of the most boring classes to play. Eventaully you just get reduced into spamming your staff ability as much as you can because its just better then brain burst.
At higher difficulties like 4 and 5, brain burst just kinda sucks. It cant even 1 shot gunners. Psyker basically exists to deal with snipers and bulwakrs and to spam their staff. Its honestly one of the most boring classes to play right now.
Pysker is a fantastic class after having now reached 30 and played over 70 missions. You just have to adapt mates. Try experimenting with the perks in the meatgrinder.
Half the perks don’t even work or trigger in the Meat Grinder.
New update just dropped, curious what your thoughts are to the new changes, there’s good news! Force sword initial push costs no peril, the follow-up push does which is alright. Looks like FS are at least reading the feedback and considering some of our concerns as legitimate, which is nice.
On one hand, yes.
On the other, they’ve “only” changed that amongst the heap of things that feel wrong with the Psyker atm.
Well, the new psyker is boring for sure.
The psyker UI is terrible now. And you keep on having the giant flashing warning of high peril because … eh the 2nd brain burst you do you are already there.
I don’t know what they did to the targeting compared to the beta but it feels bad too.
And replacing the revolver you start with with the lasgun. I liked the revolver, it was awesome but slow to reload.
I have 0 confidence in them making their character interesting before a year or two, considering the first reaction they had was to destroy their classes to the ground to appeal to the Call of Duty / MW veteran player profile who was left unscathed : it is sister of thorn marketing over gameplay all over again.
The lack of post screen after the game really does not help with giving weight to the missions you do.
Give us back a scoreboard to see how we play ffs (and give us our damn latency to the server …)
All in all, the game has become less fun than the closed beta, and for what exactly ?
Very disappointed.