Psyker First Feat choice

Can the other Psyker players please give me some opinion on this? Do y’all notice the 10% Toughness with Warp Kill actually working? I don’t. 30% toughness over 5 seconds upon gaining a Warp Charge seems to work no problem. Quelling 10% peril for 5% Toughness seems to work, but I can’t ever tell if the 10% with kill is actually working.

My understanding is any attack that gains Peril is a “Warp Attack”. If that is true then it’s been buggy as hell. My Force sword special attack doesn’t replenish the 10% toughness on a kill, the Staff kills with primary or secondary attack doesn’t work. Only BB seems to trigger the toughness regen, and if that’s the case then the 30% with warp charge would be better. I personally use the Quell for Regen but I wanted to try the Kills for regen and I can’t seem to get it to work.

Edit* It occurs to me this should have gone into Gameplay Feedback. Sorry.

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10% on kill does work - you can kill a horde with a flamethrower and get all toughness back. You can tank a few gunners if you can keep up with burning horde in front of you. But i kind of gets weak if there is no horde and it is open space with shooters spreader around like a plastic bag in the wind. About it being buggy… i can’t help with that. It just works for me, all i can say.

30% on warp charge can get funny - if you take both warp gain talent on LVL 10 and 25

Quell for Regen… let’s be honest. It works and that’s it


Hmmmm. I must be doing something wrong, or I’m just not noticing the regen when it happens in the heat of the moment. Anyway thanks for the response.

For Purgatus it will only proc on things killed by direct staff damage, not those killed by soulblaze ticks. I’ve definitely seen that feat restore big chunks of toughness when I wipe a bunch of horde with Trauma secondary. Breakdown I was given on the Psyker Discord for tier 1 feat choice:
Purgatus - On warp Charge (using ascendant blaze on last tier naturally)
Void - On warp kill
Surge - On peril vent
Trauma - On warp kill/on peril vent.

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OK. I’ll try the Voidstrike and 10% with kill and see if I notice it work. Thanks for the list that actually makes some sense.

for me i say as 1 2 and 3 because i forget the name of the feat. [this is damnation duo run opinion so i will make fullest of psyker alone i wont let other variation like teammate be in this] sorry for bad english since im asian lol

  1. is great for being backline and it a good combo with F30 3 that make u can just dodge burst and melee so fast. and good for gunner enemy. the bad is it can’t stack. I think only 2 cons in this is it can’t stack but it still a reliable feat to use just brain burst and u get ez toughness back.another con is the regen need time to regen 30% toughness [but as psyker i think it class go slow and steady so it not that much issue with it]

2.this one is so good if u use trauma or voidstrike. It can just give u much ez life for horde.the con for me is when vs LOT of gunner u dont have enough toughness to just tank at least 1 when vs gunner this one is the worst one since it much harder to regen toughness with it.1 kill just 10% it not really help.

3.this one is the balance between 1 and 2. It give u lowest toughness compare to the other 2 feats but it can gain almost anytime no enemy or full enemy u can get toughness with it. the good is ult also regen toughness as well.the con in my case is I rarely go full blown quell since sometime u want kill thing as fast as u want.

so conclusion in my opinion
1.for fighting in mid- front line [with good dodge and ult u can just kill 2 crusher or bulwark even u frontline without taking dmg with it]
2.for spamming staff for fun. and stay a bit of mid-back line. highest regen. [this one is op if ur aim is god tier. my aim is pretty horrible lol]
3.for full blown backline or with purgatory and surge. those 2 staff u need vent a lot while trauma or void can just hope it kill for 10% quell peril

i use 1. now these day

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Yeah, I’m definitely going to try the Voidstrike and 10% toughness on kill. I really appreciate all the feedback. :slight_smile:

No. Regen on Kill does work for sure. Sometimes its delayed.
I use Surge normally.

I would say it depends what Staff youre using, or lets say how good Quelling is on Weapon.
If you have low Quelling on a Staff, go with Toughness on Quelling Peril. You Quell all the time so its really good. Also if there are no enemies you can prepare with just shooting to get youre Toughness back until next fight f.ex. since Coherency Regen is very slow

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